I want to do a cycle of finaplix and winstrol in a few months.
I'm 6'1 about 217 pounds .
This will be my second cycle. The first was a bulking I was around 185, and I got up to 224 when I was on cycle.
Unfortunatly about 10 pounds of my gains was probablly fat because my mid section doesn't look so good.
Right now I'm eating right and doing cardio so it will probablly be gone when I go back on. If it's not should I take some clenbuterol with the fina and winny, or would fina and winny be sufficiant?
Also what dosage should I be taking?
Are these substances safe with finastride?
Should I take anything else to kick start my cycle like D-Bol even though it makes you bloated or is Fina fast acting?