A friend of mine is thinking of taking a deca only cycle, with no testosterone, for his first cycle. What do you guys think.
A friend of mine is thinking of taking a deca only cycle, with no testosterone, for his first cycle. What do you guys think.
I think it would be a good idea for your friend to join the board and do his OWN research on the topic.Originally Posted by tiger87
agreed .... there is nothing like doing your own researchOriginally Posted by Pinnacle
very well put Pinn...Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Translation:Originally Posted by tiger87
I am doing a Deca only cycle because I can't get test.
have either you or your friend done any reading on the forums at all?
bro, deca only will give you gains, but it will also make you impotent. tell your boy to do himself a favor and wait until he can get some test. that way he wont go limp dick, plus hel make better gains.
he will get DECA Dick
my god, how many times have i seen this question. yes, deca only cycles work. no, its not the best thing to do. test is king.
test stacked with tren and kickstarted with dbol is my favorite cycle stack.
Can you drink winny?
Now there is something that has never been answered!
Does PCT mean "pretty crazy titties?" , so you are saying I need an anti-e?
you might get a severe case of gyno just taking deca
the worst is when some dumb ass decides to run deca and dbol with no anti es.
getting gyno from deca is impossible to prevent because it is not caused by estrogen build up but from progesterone
just depends on if you're lucky enough to not get it; some do and some don't
yea, my boy ran high doses of dbol with no anti es or pct and had no gyno problems. btw, ive heard that letrozole can block progesterone to an extent.
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