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  1. #41
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    double post...
    Last edited by drak; 02-06-2006 at 02:21 PM.

  2. #42
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    well on sat. i took 300mg of test-e (this was my first shot) - i was planning on doing 600 for 10 weeks, how would I get back on track? Should I shoot 200 on wednesday, then start on the normal cycle of 250 after that? I want to get back to 500mg/week for 12 weeks

    Also, in a way I want to use the prop, because I was told it takes 6-7 weeks for the test-e to kick in, do you think if I took 60mg of prop each day for 4 weeks, would that be ok?


  3. #43
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    This is your first cycle. A million people have given you advice on what to do, so just take it and get on with it.

    wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/week shot 250mg on Mon and Thurs

    No more no less, nothing else, no Prop no nothing. Just do it !!!!
    I agree...

  4. #44
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    well on sat. i took 300mg of test-e (this was my first shot) - i was planning on doing 600 for 10 weeks, how would I get back on track? Should I shoot 200 on wednesday, then start on the normal cycle of 250 after that? I want to get back to 500mg/week for 12 weeks

    Also, in a way I want to use the prop, because I was told it takes 6-7 weeks for the test-e to kick in, do you think if I took 60mg of prop each day for 4 weeks, would that be ok?

    does this sound good?

  5. #45
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    does this sound good?
    drak what is wrong with you ? We have told you over and over again 250mg 2x a week. If you took 300mg last week then start this week at 250mg 2x a week. You have a head like concrete this is why i blocked you on AOL IM.

  6. #46
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    This is your first cycle. A million people have given you advice on what to do, so just take it and get on with it.

    wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/week shot 250mg on Mon and Thurs

    No more no less, nothing else, no Prop no nothing. Just do it !!!!

  7. #47
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    drak what is wrong with you ? We have told you over and over again 250mg 2x a week. If you took 300mg last week then start this week at 250mg 2x a week. You have a head like concrete this is why i blocked you on AOL IM.
    I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks.

    So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?


    PS: I asked my source about the protein mix:
    "First off I dont grind up any pills.I use the pure powder.The
    mixing process is so intense that I'm only off by 1mg.These people
    like to blow comments out there ass before even trying something or
    researching it.Also I suspect these people are some of my
    competion.I've sold close to 200lbs of the mix and not one

    I also got a question.. when people take prop like that (for 4 weeks) and take an injection everyday, how in the hell do you workout, wouldn't every muscle be sore? My first injection was of test-e in my right glute, and I can barely ****ing walk. I heard prop was even worse.

  8. #48
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    well if this "anabolic protein powder" is so advanced and so great why hasn't any one else done it on this forum? These are the types of questions you need to ask urself. You can't always trust the person your giving money to man.

    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks.

    So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?


    PS: I asked my source about the protein mix:
    "First off I dont grind up any pills.I use the pure powder.The
    mixing process is so intense that I'm only off by 1mg.These people
    like to blow comments out there ass before even trying something or
    researching it.Also I suspect these people are some of my
    competion.I've sold close to 200lbs of the mix and not one

    I also got a question.. when people take prop like that (for 4 weeks) and take an injection everyday, how in the hell do you workout, wouldn't every muscle be sore? My first injection was of test-e in my right glute, and I can barely ****ing walk. I heard prop was even worse.

  9. #49
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, well I didn't really pay him for that, but oh well, I won't use it.

    -I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks.
    So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?

    -When people take prop like that (for 4 weeks) and take an injection everyday, how in the hell do you workout, wouldn't every muscle be sore? My first injection was of test-e in my right glute, and I can barely ****ing walk. I heard prop was even worse.

  10. #50
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    plz just forget about the prop and just run your test E and all this confusion goes away.

    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    Yeah, well I didn't really pay him for that, but oh well, I won't use it.

    -I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks.
    So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?

    -When people take prop like that (for 4 weeks) and take an injection everyday, how in the hell do you workout, wouldn't every muscle be sore? My first injection was of test-e in my right glute, and I can barely ****ing walk. I heard prop was even worse.

  11. #51
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    -I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks.
    So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?
    and, that?

  12. #52
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    This is what you get when kids do steroids . Do us all a favor and inject twice in each eye so you won't post anymore. I normally don't come at people but this is a perfect example of some jack@$$ picking up a needle and sticking himself. When you get an infection and end up in the hospital you'll get what you deserve. IMO you aren't ready for ANY cycle. Later man .


    Don't PM me

  13. #53
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    i dont even want to talk to your ass, you seem like you need to get OFF the roids kid... your the worst contribution this forum has, infact, your not even a contribution, if your not going to answer my question, then fvck off...

  14. #54
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drak
    i dont even want to talk to your ass
    Thats why you IM me AOL , started being a retart then i blocked you. You would think he would get the point but he signed on with another name and IMed me again. After i blocked that name, he IM's me again asking why his protein gives him a headache !!

    you seem like you need to get OFF the roids kid
    Ummm naw, my cycle is just fine because i do research.

    your the worst contribution this forum has, infact, your not even a contribution.
    Im sorry how long have you been here ? enough said.

    if your not going to answer my question, then fvck off...
    Then stop sending me PM's !
    Is this Brian from MTV. Go eat some more aspirin.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 02-06-2006 at 07:49 PM.

  15. #55
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    I havn't sent you 1 PM kid. You got some issues, hope life is treatin you right, which I can fully understand why it wouldn't be...

    Anyways, just stay out of this thread, because your not helping at all, and never did help.

  16. #56
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    -I won't have enough for that, I had enough to run exactly 300mg for 10 weeks, or 250 for 12 weeks. So should my next injection be 200, then go to 250 after that? or just run 250 till I run out?


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