I am planning on running the following cycle:

600 mg Deca / week
750 mg Test Enanth / week
anti-e --> Nolva 20 mg ED

PCT w/ Clomid + nolvadex

I've read on this site that Lepto is better than Nolva during a cycle...I've also heard that Lepto may cause hypercholesteremia (high cholesterol)...

I used to have border-line high cholesterol...I'm pretty sure it's normal now though...it was barely above 200....and that was when my diet was crazy junk food and I wasn't excersizing....anyways, with this in mind:

Should I still switch Nolva with Lepto?

If so, what is the dosage of AR-R Lepto I should use every day? And is Lepto enough or do I need to throw in another anti-E with it?

Thank you for your help.

P.S. I obviously mean my lab-rats, since I'm doing research with Nolva and Lepto....