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  1. #1
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    Question But why not letro for pct?...

    Hey guys. I have read in several posts that letro shouldn't be used for pct as it is too strong and that l-dex or nolvadex should be used instead with clomid. i was just wondering why this was as my understanding is that the least estrogen you have in your body during pct the quicker your body can recover, and therefore if letro does this best it would be better for this reason. i always use clomid anyway and would run it alongside whatever else i chose but just thought i'd see if anyone had personally used letro for pct and how they found it. I noticed in the profiles section that it also stated it could be effective during pct so any feedback would be interesting and much appreciated. p.s. i know nolvadex isn't expensive anyway and thats not why i ask, just that i will already be running letro during cycle and would be more convenient to simply continue to run it all the way through. many thanks

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    try it, the draw back on letro is it stop to much estrogen, you'll know it because you can be on 500mg of test and your sex drive is died. Whatever you are running during the cycle I would back to half or a third and use nolva over clomid. Clomid doesn't block estrogen like nolva, that why it can make a 300lber act like a 13 year old on her period


  3. #3
    Hard Head's Avatar
    Hard Head is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    a 300lber act like a 13 year old on her period

    That's some funny shit because it's so true.

    Letro also has a heavy rebound.....

  4. #4
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    oh well thats cool because I've always wanted to know what it felt like to be a 13 year old girl on a period. excellent! so how come depleted estrogen levels cause decreased/suppressed sex drive? i thought it was just testosterone that effected this? or is it more to do with the total balance of test and estrogen? anyone?

  5. #5
    cnepp is offline Junior Member
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    I'm running Letro right now [the bottle is dosed at 2.5 MG/ml - ARR Letro] and I believe I am taking about .25 mg/day to keep estrogen down during cycle [currently EQ/Test]. I am thinking of running the letro right up to the day of PCT and then starting Nolvadex , therefore the estrogen rebound wont be harsh, or possibly non-exsistent.

    Does Letro increase natural test production enough to be used for PCT? No idea..

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cnepp
    I'm running Letro right now [the bottle is dosed at 2.5 MG/ml - ARR Letro] and I believe I am taking about .25 mg/day to keep estrogen down during cycle [currently EQ/Test]. I am thinking of running the letro right up to the day of PCT and then starting Nolvadex , therefore the estrogen rebound wont be harsh, or possibly non-exsistent.

    Does Letro increase natural test production enough to be used for PCT? No idea..
    It has been reported that Letro will increase serum levels of both LH/FSH, thus, increasing natural testosterone production. Hooker, the author of the profiles written on this board, has used it effectively. This is stated in his book.

  7. #7
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    hmmmm interesting......

  8. #8
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    anyone else? surely someone has used letro for pct before that could share results?

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