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  1. #1
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Cholesterol Concerns? Heart Attack?

    So i went to my doc to get a physical and my blood work just came back... my liver is slightly inflamed which was to be expected given the amount of orals I've been taking but that's an easy fix... but my main concern is my cholesterol came back really bad... overall its 222 but more importantly my good cholesterol which should be from 40-59 for normal ranges is only at 10!!! My doc said that is really bad and I could be looking at a heart attack in 5 years... i'm only 21! What do I do.. I was taking lots of Anavar ... I was taking Turinabol at the time.. I'm taking Test E, Deca , and EQ too... I'm done with orals for now but want to continue the injectables... any advice or explanations for me??? can i hope to recover as soon as i stop??? thanks guys!

  2. #2
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Man, I was on for a year and a half (EQ, Test, Tren , Winstrol , etc..) and mine was at 311!!!! I quit everything back in August. As of now, my cholesterol is around 150. I just started back on a very low dose of Test and I'm going to monitor it weekly. Remember, your health is much more important than doing Steroids ! Did he put you on any meds?

  3. #3
    Papi93's Avatar
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    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    So i went to my doc to get a physical and my blood work just came back... my liver is slightly inflamed which was to be expected given the amount of orals I've been taking but that's an easy fix... but my main concern is my cholesterol came back really bad... overall its 222 but more importantly my good cholesterol which should be from 40-59 for normal ranges is only at 10!!! My doc said that is really bad and I could be looking at a heart attack in 5 years... i'm only 21! What do I do.. I was taking lots of Anavar... I was taking Turinabol at the time.. I'm taking Test E, Deca, and EQ too... I'm done with orals for now but want to continue the injectables... any advice or explanations for me??? can i hope to recover as soon as i stop??? thanks guys!
    You can get the cholesterol back in normal ranges witin a few weeks. I have many times. c17aa's are notorious for driving HDL to 0 and LDL off the charts and so when you divide LDL/HDL (the determining factor for heart disease risk) you get a huge number, which can spell trouble. Discontinue c17aa's and any AIs you are taking. Adding in clomid and/or nolvadex will greatly improve values also. Basically PCT will take care of it. Get more bloodwork after this, and your doctor will be amazed at your improvement.

  5. #5
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    listen to buy here... I would advise for a long enough brake to normalize ur values and then start with a non-oral, low dose cycle and then keep monitoring ur bloodlevels.. Maybe consider some medication/supplementation..

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry,... double post..

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93

    Good find. What I dont get is there are thousands and thousands of guys who do steroids for many years of their life and don't have the knowledge we do. Why aren't more and more guys dying due to high cholesterol levels/heart disease?

  8. #8
    TADOLFI's Avatar
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    I imagine we just don't hear about them.

    I know two guys at my gym that did a 10 week cycle of Test and Deca - WITH NO PCT!
    I lost a lot of respect for these guys and actually trust more of the info from this board.

  9. #9
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TADOLFI
    I imagine we just don't hear about them.

    I know two guys at my gym that did a 10 week cycle of Test and Deca - WITH NO PCT!
    I lost a lot of respect for these guys and actually trust more of the info from this board.
    Man isn't that the truth. I can't tell you how many times I talk to guys who said "well, the guy at my gym is HUGE and I will listen to his advise". Well, most of the time, the guy has no idea what he's talking about.

  10. #10
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    I really appreciate all the responses and you put me at ease... I'm going to do 8 more weeks and start taking Niacin and doing more cardio and then do PCT.. no more orals for a bit. Thanks guys!

  11. #11
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUYLONGTERM
    Good find. What I dont get is there are thousands and thousands of guys who do steroids for many years of their life and don't have the knowledge we do. Why aren't more and more guys dying due to high cholesterol levels/heart disease?
    The effects of high cholesterol usually take years and years to show. Atherosclerosis is a multiethiological disease also. Some people with high cholesterol might never get sick while others can etc.. It just raises the risk greatly. Person who has very high chol for a long time is in a great risk to develop atherosclerosis which can cause strokes etc (butn ot all will get sick)... Its not a long time ago when high cholesterol was tolerated with increase in age (same as hypertension) What we might not know is how many of our generations juicers will die in their fifties or sixties because of unsafe juicing. Its impossible to tell. IMO the biggest risk in juicing is heart related issues such as chol values. I guess time will tell us a little but I for one am gonna get blood work done often enough..

  12. #12
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    The effects of high cholesterol usually take years and years to show. Atherosclerosis is a multiethiological disease also. Some people with high cholesterol might never get sick while others can etc.. It just raises the risk greatly. Person who has very high chol for a long time is in a great risk to develop atherosclerosis which can cause strokes etc (butn ot all will get sick)... Its not a long time ago when high cholesterol was tolerated with increase in age (same as hypertension) What we might not know is how many of our generations juicers will die in their fifties or sixties because of unsafe juicing. Its impossible to tell. IMO the biggest risk in juicing is heart related issues such as chol values. I guess time will tell us a little but I for one am gonna get blood work done often enough..
    Very interesting...Thanks for your insight.


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