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  1. #1
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    ideal test for first cycle?

    The consensus on the board seems to be that Test Prop is not an ideal choice for a first cycle because of the frequent injections. Although this will be my first cycle, since I am primarily concerned with retaining lean gains with minimal water retention, I feel as though Prop would be ideal.

    I am, however, concerned with keeping levels stable throughout my cycle. For this reason, would Cyp or Enan be a better choice or will I be fine as long as I maintain regularly scheduled Prop injections (I'm thinking 150 mg eod)?

    By the way, I am 6'2 245 lbs. with roughly 10-12% bodyfat. Planning on running the Prop with EQ at 400 mg/wk for 12 weeks. I will run the Prop for two weeks after discontinuing the EQ and running PCT with Nolva starting on week 3 (will likely also be using 10 mg Nolva throughout cycle).

    Thanks in advance for any responses.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Props to hard for your first cycle bro. Lots of shots and it can hurt like a bitch. Why not just stick with 12 weeks of Test E at 500mg per week, break it into two shots and shot it twice a week. Simple, levels ar good and you should gain quite a bit on that

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Also, get an aromatose inhibitor to combat the water bloat.

  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    what makes you think you'll keep gains on prop. typically the shorter the half life the harder to keep the gains. as far as water and lean gains I bloat big time on prop. prop is cheap for a reason.
    if you want lean gains that will stick w/ you for awhile try enanthate .

  5. #5
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    I was under the impression the because of the shorter-acting ester of Prop I would be able to begin PCT sooner after my last shot, therefore keeping levels more stable going into PCT. Also, I like the idea of not having to wait 4-6 weeks for the Test to "kick in" as it does with Test E or Cyp.

  6. #6
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    fast in fast out. I keep gains better on longer acting esters. If you're that impatient throw in some d-bol to kick things off. and enanthate kicks in in 2 weeks w/ me.

  7. #7
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    legobricks, what would you recommend as far as an AI for this cycle?

  8. #8
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Staying away from d-bol considering my goals, but Test E is seeming more and more the choice for a first cycle. What about frontloading the EQ?

  9. #9
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pharmtech
    Staying away from d-bol considering my goals, but Test E is seeming more and more the choice for a first cycle. What about frontloading the EQ?
    Don't front load w/ long acting esters. I wouldn't take eq period. waste of money.

  10. #10
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks mkrulic, I can tell you are no fan of EQ. If I were to stack something with Test, although I know this is not often recommended for a first cycle, what would you recommend (d-bol and deca are not an option considering my goals, and tren and fina are too harsh in sides for a first cycle imo)?

  11. #11
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    The reason you dont stack with your first cycle is because if you get sides you wont know what caused them. For example my first cycle was Test E and Deca (I dint know any better and I was lucky I didnt get sides) Second cycle include dbol . I was not doing Nolvadex and I got real sore nipples and a loss of appetite. I knew straight away what was causing the problem and was able to take action. Just do the Test E and save the other shit for later. Adhere to the KISS principle OK !!!!

  12. #12
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    right, also your receptors are completely clean and untouched... you don't need to stack to get a significant response..

  13. #13
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    I know you guys are right, I've just done things clean for 5 years or so now, knowing all along this day would come eventually. All the research I have done the past year or so has made me greedy for this first cycle when I know I should just keep it simple -- Test E @ 500 mg/wk split into 2 shots/wk for 10-12 weeks followed by PCT. I suppose waiting as long as I have waited to do my first cycle has made me a little too anxious to try more than one steroid out, but then again the patience will pay off in the long run.

  14. #14
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    i know how you but absolutely, patience will pay off in the long run. always do what's best for your body.

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