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Thread: Arimidex?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york


    I going to start a cycle of Deca yellow top 400 mg a week. Test Enanthate 500 mg a week. Now my qustion is do I take arimidex befour I start. Or do i just take it when I'm on the gear. Because I heard you should do it befour your cycle. And if that's ture how long befour my cycle do I have to take it for.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    hmmm... I thought that the arimidex was after cycle or if you started having problems with your nips. Arimidex will shut down your estrogen production all together. It can cause your cholesterol problems. You might think about going nolvadex. Its cheaper too. I also heard that texlax (sp) is cheaper than arimidex and does the same thing.

    Are you going to do hcg post cycle or clomid?

    Might get some more views here. Pls dont just take mine.

    You do any blood work first?
    Last edited by androplex; 05-26-2002 at 11:14 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Ummm Armidex post cycle? Ummm never heard that one.
    Well to answer your question bud. Armidex is used "DURING and sometimes (post cycle). Armidex blocks estrogen production which stops bloating and gyno. Most folks take about .5ml of Armidex EOD I personally take about .5ml to 1ml a day of Liquidex to keep gyno down, cause I am very prone to it. Deca does not convert to estrogen only in higher doses, but the test will. Therefore, you should take Armidex only when you start seeing gyno or bloating problems.
    Nolvidex is another alternative, however, it will hinder your gains somewhat, because it does not block estrogen production instead it blocks estrogen recpetors or sites.
    I would keep some type of anti Ester on hand, armidex is one of the best IMO. However, you have remember some test products will not give you maximum benefits due to the fact, some test products work better when they are converted to estrogen.
    I woudln't worry to much about that. Armidex will keep the estrogen levels down, however to much can cause joint soreness and other problems, just be sure not to take to much.
    As far as taking Armidex post cycle, I would only take it if you are still seeing gyno problems after your last shot. I had to take liquidex up to my 3rd and final week of my cycle. the test was still in my body therefore, it was still converting to estrogen.
    Don't forget to have some Clomid on hand to get your natural test levels back up to speed.
    By the way you shouldn't need to take Armidex post cycle, only take it during your cycle, and only if you start seeing gyno problems. ... hope this answers your ??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york
    Sicilian thanks for the post very helpful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    airmidex post cycle for me per my doc. Was told he would only give to me if my blood work for estrogen was above 70. I cant take nolvadex becuase of the hgh I am taking per doc too.

    Sicilian30, thanks for the info. Sounds like I am a special case for the use of airmidex post cycle.

    Can you help me with this question? Since I am doing deca now, 340 mg a week will that raise my test level in blood work.

    IF my test level is lets say 460 and since I added 340 mg of deca will tht mean that the deca will raise my test level higher?

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