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Thread: Shipping to US

  1. #1
    steventyler is offline New Member
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    Shipping to US

    hey i am going to order gear for the first time. its comin from overseas to the US. and i dont' have to sign for it. its standard mail. I was wondering if. 4 vials and 500 pills is a lot for one package. does that seem safe. also what do you guys think about sending to a friends house using a fake name, who has nothing to do with it. so if they get a seizer letter it really wont matter cuz its not theres and they had nothing to do with it.


  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by steventyler
    hey i am going to order gear for the first time. its comin from overseas to the US. and i dont' have to sign for it. its standard mail. I was wondering if. 4 vials and 500 pills is a lot for one package. does that seem safe. also what do you guys think about sending to a friends house using a fake name, who has nothing to do with it. so if they get a seizer letter it really wont matter cuz its not theres and they had nothing to do with it.

    That sounds like being a true friend. I mean why take responsibility for your own actions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    That sounds like being a true friend. I mean why take responsibility for your own actions?
    LMFAO!! Glad I'm not your friend..

  4. #4
    steventyler is offline New Member
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    i'm just wondering. i don't really know what the penalities are. and don't want either of us to find out. just wondering what is best and safe.

  5. #5
    steventyler is offline New Member
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    no buddy gonna say nothin?

  6. #6
    hollaatyoboy is offline Associate Member
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    i get my stuff the same way it will probably be two seperate packages vials in one and pills in the other as for what kind of trouble you could get in depends where your located if someone comes to your door and ask u to for u i would not except the pakage thats how they do there stings

  7. #7
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steventyler
    no buddy gonna say nothin?
    A legitimate supplier will know the correct way to pack it....The last time I ordered 100 10mg dbol tabs I cldn't believe how small the package was when it came.... Having it sent to a friend who has nothing to do with it is pretty shitty..... It's your pkg u take the risk... it's part of the game

  8. #8
    SwollenShoulders is offline New Member
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    Yo bro let me know how it goes... Ive been debating the same thing for a while now... And i ended up buying some Stano 50 iberobolics ... and it seems its some kind of underground lab and most peeps on the forums tell me to stay away from it... Bro Has anyone had problems getting the gear??? If no one opens the door when the package comes do they just leave it in front of your door???

  9. #9
    lzicc's Avatar
    lzicc is offline Senior Member
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    My opninion is...I know ordering overseas is risky, but for the small amount of stuff being sent, do you think it is that risky? I would think the worst that would happen is if your stuff got seized, you would get a letter. Has there been that many people busted over small orders in the past? I'm just asking, I don't know myself.

    I would never ask anyone to use their address. I use my own and take my own chances. I'm the one rolling the dice, so I will take the risk.

  10. #10
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
    AllGearedUp is offline Associate Member
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    They package that shit really well. I got 40amps of test e, and they packed em in seperate empty casette cases. Alot of those places have around a 99% success rate shipping. My buddy got a 1000 dbols and they packed em in a barbie doll.

  11. #11
    curtdawg28's Avatar
    curtdawg28 is offline Junior Member
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    i guy know has them sent to his house under a fake name.. when he gets the stuff he just writes return to sender on it and leaves it alone a while.. that way he can play dumb if it gos wrong. when i have seen it, it is in a vhs tap-e box wrapped in plastic , so they know what they r doing to ship it right. but if you play the game take the chance....

  12. #12
    littlemantc's Avatar
    littlemantc is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steventyler
    hey i am going to order gear for the first time. its comin from overseas to the US. and i dont' have to sign for it. its standard mail. I was wondering if. 4 vials and 500 pills is a lot for one package. does that seem safe. also what do you guys think about sending to a friends house using a fake name, who has nothing to do with it. so if they get a seizer letter it really wont matter cuz its not theres and they had nothing to do with it.

    this might help....

    If investigators want to bust you for a juice package, their goal will be to get you to take possession of the package. There are two reasons: 1) once you accept a package of contraband, you can be arrested for possessing it; and 2) the feds will have generally obtained a warrant to search your house that cannot be executed until you accept the package.

    That’s where your signature comes in. Signing for the package removes any argument that you didn’t accept it. Especially when it’s supported by the undercover agent’s testimony about the conversation that took place. “Are you Johnny Johnson?” You said, “Yes.” “Will you accept this package?” You said, “Of course!” and looked really excited when you saw the return address from China.

    Could accepting possession be proven in other ways? Absolutely. The issue is determined by looking at everything you did and said. In the conversation we just described, you said you were the person who intended to receive the package, and you explicitly stated that you would accept it. The absence of a signature won’t magically protect you!

    What if you refuse to sign, but try to accept the package verbally? A real courier wouldn’t give it to you if a signature was required, but let’s say this undercover agent courier would. Have you avoided an arrest and search? Of course not, because you’ve accepted the package! What’s more, your cagey behavior will be used against you to prove your knowledge of the illegal contents of the package – why else would you refuse to sign?

    I’ve seen a number of cases where the target gets a funky feeling about the delivery guy and rejects the package. The undercover courier will then do everything possible to get the package into the target’s hands, with or without a signature. It’s the only way to execute the raid. In one desperate case, the courier blew his cover and flashed a badge. He summoned his partner, and the two asked to step inside to talk about the package. The target told them he had no idea what was in the package and that they most certainly could not come into his house. The agents said the package contained suspected drugs, and asked if they could open it. “Do what you want, it’s not my package.” They opened it, and inside were 500 Anabol tablets. “My mistake,” one agent said. “These are okay. You can import a personal use supply. Here, you can take them.” Nice try. The target told the agent to stick the tabs where the sun don’t shine and avoided an arrest and raid by the eight other agents skulking in wait just off the property.

    Given the headaches presented by savvy suspects, law enforcers are taking a new approach: wiring the package to signal when it’s opened. When someone opens a package, that’s good evidence that he’s the one who knowingly intended to possess it, right? It might even be stronger evidence than signing for it. The application for the search warrant will request authorization to execute the raid once the signal goes off. Several jurisdictions have begun using electronic signaling devices, typically AT-4’s, to confirm that a target has opened his package. No part of the device is visible unless the package is opened. It makes no audible sound but transmits an alert signal to a remote receiver manned by the agents. These devices are perfect in cases where a signature request might spook the target. An AT-4 can make the difference between a botched operation and a valid arrest and raid. Be aware that it’s likely the wave of the future.

  13. #13
    TAPPER is offline Junior Member
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    Safe is kind of a relative concept here. Safe to some is only using a public computer or masking ones IP address while others have gigs incriminating evidence sitting in their living room. Some will keep such acts a secret from their wives, trusted friends, and family while others will openly discuss the intent to commit a crime in an online public forum. Don't take this the wrong way but IMO you should really do your own research for something as important as ones freedom. Unless you’re shipping to your friends address if something goes down it’s your ass facing the repercussions. Time spent examining the laws as they apply to your specific situation is time well spent.

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