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Thread: steroids in the military

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well if you're gonna juice during Seal training don't do dbol. While it is great for anaerobic training and gaining mass it actually diminishes cell respiration and hurts you aerobically. So you will be stronger but you will also tire more easily. Plus the bloat from (if you get any at that dose) will add extra weight you will have to carry around and allow you to get dehydration, cramps, heat exhaustion, or pass out easier. If anything go for winny, it'll make you stronger (almost as much as dbol) plus it will increase your red blood cell count and give you more endurance with no bloat. It is what endurance athletes and world class sprinters like Ben Johnson take. If I were to juice during Seal training I'd get some *P winny tabs and take one before bed and once in the morning if I get a chance or later in the day. 100mg winny per day would give you quite a boost and advantage. A high dose shot of a long acting estered test/eq that'll last in your system a few weeks taken the day before training starts will help quite a bit as well. And when/if you get a break from training or after training (I have no idea how long it lasts) you can boost your test with another shot or come off with clomid if training is over.
    Last edited by seeker; 06-01-2002 at 01:36 AM.

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