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Thread: Gainig Muscle FAST

  1. #1

    Gainig Muscle FAST

    Hi. right now I'm taking a 12wk cycle of Deca Durabolin, and its good. I've seen some changes n growth, but not like I want too. Can anyone tell me what steroid I can use to gain muscles very very QUICK? I would prefer one without really bad side effects, but if there isn't any it's okay.I want a steroid that will help me grow in strenght and mass, and my muscles will actually show. Please... thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    gaining muscle take's time my friend

    there is no quick fix just year's and year's of hard work

    why do you want it so fast ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    How long have you been training? What are your stats (age, height, weight, BF%)? Are you taking the deca by itself? How much per week?

    I need more info. You will likely hear that deca by itself is not the best choice. It is generally accepted on this forum that Test should be the base of any cycle. Is this your first cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Let me just say the same thing that you are about to hear a milllion times over.. (though I don't really know shit about AAS)

    Are you running Deca by itself? BAD!

    Need some test with that Deca cracka!

    Just repeating what I've been told over and over..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    gaining muscle take's time my friend

    there is no quick fix just year's and year's of hard work

    why do you want it so fast ?
    That too. It takes time and hard work bro. Steroids are not a magic bean.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Holy Shit!

    I'm a junior member! How the F*ck did that happen?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    here we go again. deca w/o test. what did your testicals ever do to you? run test in a 1:1 fashion. is this your first cycle? I can't imagine you doing this one more than once.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by slim3ddi3g
    Hi. right now I'm taking a 12wk cycle of Deca Durabolin, and its good. I've seen some changes n growth, but not like I want too. Can anyone tell me what steroid I can use to gain muscles very very QUICK? I would prefer one without really bad side effects, but if there isn't any it's okay.I want a steroid that will help me grow in strenght and mass, and my muscles will actually show. Please... thank you
    Deca only is a very bad choice. Its side are often hard to combat, its a very suppressive Progestin and often leads to a decrease in sex drive and eractile problems. How long you been running it?

    Whats your cycle history? Weight? Height? Age? Training experience?

    A single estered form of testosterone would be better suited. Do some research on 'Enanthate' and 'Cypionate'. 350-500mg/wk for 10 or 12 weeks with a proper PCT protocol to follow.

    Some AS kick in faster than others. This is due to their fast acting ester, or some simply dont have esters and become active almost instantly. For your goals, I think a fast acting estered AS would be preffered as you want "quick" results. Your diet must be in perfect shape first, then AS will aid with muscle growth/strength/recovery.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Just warn your girlfriend that you are going to be out of action for a while.

    I'm available if she's hot.

  10. #10


    Yes this is my first cycle. I've always taken supplement cycles, which do help a little. And I am just taking Decca on it's own. I didn't know that was bad... Geez. I'm about 5'7 155lbs. my waist is about 32, but have a small belly which i want out ASAP.
    My balls are okay still. I hope they remain that way cuz I have big balls. My sex is still great. I'm a horndog. I hope that doesn't go away, I'd be pissed.
    I've been on it for about seven weeks now, and it works good, but I guess I expected to get big right away. i see it is with a lot of work, and that's good to know. I still want a good steroid, or cycle.
    thanks to you all for your advices, but keep em comin'...

    Oh and my girl isn't HOT HOT, but she is ****in beautiful, and as horny as me.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    How long have you been training? What are your stats (age, height, weight, BF%)? Are you taking the deca by itself? How much per week?

    I need more info. You will likely hear that deca by itself is not the best choice. It is generally accepted on this forum that Test should be the base of any cycle. Is this your first cycle?
    answered already, and I am 27 years old. Body fat is a lil high too... Ech...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    another aas victame guys plz do more reaserch b4 starting ur aas

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by slim3ddi3g
    answered already, and I am 27 years old. Body fat is a lil high too... Ech...

    saw your stats.....edit.
    Deca only can work very well for some and bad for others.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by slim3ddi3g
    Yes this is my first cycle. I've always taken supplement cycles, which do help a little. And I am just taking Decca on it's own. I didn't know that was bad... Geez. I'm about 5'7 155lbs. my waist is about 32, but have a small belly which i want out ASAP.
    My balls are okay still. I hope they remain that way cuz I have big balls. My sex is still great. I'm a horndog. I hope that doesn't go away, I'd be pissed.
    I've been on it for about seven weeks now, and it works good, but I guess I expected to get big right away. i see it is with a lot of work, and that's good to know. I still want a good steroid, or cycle.
    thanks to you all for your advices, but keep em comin'...

    Oh and my girl isn't HOT HOT, but she is ****in beautiful, and as horny as me.

    your hilarious.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK -Yorkshire
    in order to get good gains right away in a cycle a lot of people front load. which involves adding d-bol or a fast acting injectable like test prop so that the gains kick in in the 1st week and then the longer acting injectables take over for the slower better quality gains

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Horny as hell? Sounds like she's gonna need a pinch hitter in the near future. Unless you get some test with that Deca......... (again just regurgitating info)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    although I am a certified junior member now..... uhhhh.. I guess.. Do I get some kind of certificate with that upgade?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    another aas victame guys plz do more reaserch b4 starting ur aas

    you're right man, you r right. I should've done more research, but you know how us beginners get. We think we find what we want, and we go for it right away. It happened to me. Now that I'm here, I guess you can help me out in all that I need. If you're willing to do it, or any other pro in this forum.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    NJ and TX
    You want results take test suspension twice a day 100mg shots. Stack it with the deca, and run some prop or sust with that shit.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    155lbs and your juicing..............not necessary my friend.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Da_Mayor
    You want results take test suspension twice a day 100mg shots. Stack it with the deca, and run some prop or sust with that shit.

    Is this for real? Good results I will see? How long should I do this cycle for of each item? Can u detail the cycle by day, or by week? thanx

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    155lbs and your juicing..............not necessary my friend.

    what do u mean?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by Da_Mayor
    You want results take test suspension twice a day 100mg shots. Stack it with the deca, and run some prop or sust with that shit.

    what kind of crack is that

    we'll why dont you tell him to take dbol drol test susp test prop test e tren deca eq winny slin HGH igf1 that will get you massive

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by slim3ddi3g
    what do u mean?

    he mean's your not even close to your genetic peek and you jucing

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Listen AAS dont make you big. your diet does. AAS i just to assist you. I cant believe none of these guys pointed that out to you. in order to get big my friend you have to eat your ass off. you really wanna see size??? then use Test E and Anadrol
    Test E 500 for 10 week
    Anadrol 150 to 200 mg ED for 4 week ( might be too much for you)
    now I'll tell you that this is not the brightest idea, you need to take it a little slower, but if you want size then there you go. 30+ lbs. dont know how much you will keep after, all depends on you. EAT YOU ASS OFF is the key.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    QUESTION about Trenboline & NO2

    Working out for many years and just looking for new ideas to get a little bigger and more cut.
    I am 26, 5'9", 175lb

    I tried winstrol last year but looking for something stronger...

    Started taking NO2 for about a month now and just bought some Trembolona (trenboline)

    Can I mix the 2 together, has anyone tried this before, or have any suggestions???


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Anabolics: Trenbolone, Testosterone, Oxymetholone
    Catabolismsurpressors: Clenbuterol, Trenbolone
    Metabolismboosters: T3
    ALOT of food, 500g protein a day minimum and Insulin 10iu/postworkout

    Make a decent 10week cycle out of this and trust me, you will gain a SHITload. If youre feeling ballsy you could add aminoglutethimide to your catabolismsurpressors, it will surpress ALL hormonal production in your body so AAS administration is vital, i'd even add abit of estrogen to be safe.

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