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  1. #1
    Gymrat829 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    Question about Longer Esters

    My source carrys regular fina which obviously you have to use daily because of the short ester, but he also makes a product i guess unique to UG labs which is basically fina with a enanthate or some longer time released ester which only requires use twice a week or so, my question is do you think the time released version is just as effect because its the same dose, just spread out, woudn't that make it less effective, also i heard fina was made my one company who no longer makes it because of concens of traces getting into the people who ate the animals it was used on, is it even worth using the replicas out there?
    thanks so much.

  2. #2
    Gymrat829 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    Has anyone ever tried any of these versions of fina? they also do the same thing with EQ, they carry an EQ propinante which you have to use every other day, would this make it any more benifinical then the traditional versions?

  3. #3
    Gymrat829 is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Gymrat829
    My source carrys regular fina which obviously you have to use daily because of the short ester, but he also makes a product i guess unique to UG labs which is basically fina with a enanthate or some longer time released ester which only requires use twice a week or so, my question is do you think the time released version is just as effect because its the same dose, just spread out, woudn't that make it less effective, also i heard fina was made my one company who no longer makes it because of concens of traces getting into the people who ate the animals it was used on, is it even worth using the replicas out there?
    thanks so much.
    You are referring to Trenbolone enathate. The enathate ester gives it a longer half-life which means less frequent injections as opposed to the acetate ester where injections are daily. As far as effectiveness....I cannot comment. I have only ever cycled the short acting ester and personally love and will include it into all my futuer cycles. I have read from users that using the enathate ester yields very similiar results.

  5. #5
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    You are referring to Trenbolone enathate. The enathate ester gives it a longer half-life which means less frequent injections as opposed to the acetate ester where injections are daily.
    All very accurate, nice

    As far as effectiveness I've used both the acetate and enanthate and got sdies with both. The sides with the longer ester were unbearable and I stopped after several weeks.

    The ED injections with Tren -A were much better but still experienced some sides at 50mgs ED.

    In the future I will ONLY use Tren-A again.............

  6. #6
    Gymrat829 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    hmm interesting, im not one who's ever had a problem with sides but i hear finaplex is very toxic stuff, thanks for taking to time to anser my question.

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