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  1. #1
    getbigrob is offline New Member
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    Question Gyno???? Please read and give advice...

    Wussup yall. Well, I dont feeel like I have gyno, however I see other peoples cycles and they are taking nolvadex , for example, throughout their cycle term... im taking cyp, deca and winny and not taking any anti-estro during my cycle? should I be? I have my clomid already for my PCT but should I be doing something during??? my chest could use some more tightening up, I am wondering if this is because all the test. let me know ur thoughts homies.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by getbigrob
    Wussup yall. Well, I dont feeel like I have gyno, however I see other peoples cycles and they are taking nolvadex, for example, throughout their cycle term... im taking cyp, deca and winny and not taking any anti-estro during my cycle? should I be? I have my clomid already for my PCT but should I be doing something during??? my chest could use some more tightening up, I am wondering if this is because all the test. let me know ur thoughts homies.
    Some are prone to gyno, others are not. There is 2 ways to combat it. Run a SERM, such as Nolva at between 10-20mg/ED throughout, or when using a compound that aromotases. Nolva will compete for the same receptors as estrogen doesm thus, reducing its effects.

    The other option is to run an AI. This include, Proviron , L-Dex, Arimidex , Aromasin and the most effective one (reducing estrogen by 98%), Letro (Femera). Letro is so effective a rebound effect may occur, so beware. These compounds will reduce/prevent the aromatase of testosterone to estrogen, thus reducing/blocking its effects. This route is more effective than the already mentioned, SERM suggestion.

    Suspicions arise when the nipples become puffy, itchy, irritated and lumps form. Gyno is far easier to prevent, than to treat which costs thousands of dollars. So take the neccesary precautions.

  3. #3
    getbigrob is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Some are prone to gyno, others are not. There is 2 ways to combat it. Run a SERM, such as Nolva at between 10-20mg/ED throughout, or when using a compound that aromotases. Nolva will compete for the same receptors as estrogen doesm thus, reducing its effects.

    The other option is to run an AI. This include, Proviron , L-Dex, Arimidex , Aromasin and the most effective one (reducing estrogen by 98%), Letro (Femera). Letro is so effective a rebound effect may occur, so beware. These compounds will reduce/prevent the aromatase of testosterone to estrogen, thus reducing/blocking its effects. This route is more effective than the already mentioned, SERM suggestion.

    Suspicions arise when the nipples become puffy, itchy, irritated and lumps form. Gyno is far easier to prevent, than to treat which costs thousands of dollars. So take the neccesary precautions.
    Neccessary precautions, which means what??? I just started week 4 what should I take>

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by getbigrob
    Neccessary precautions, which means what??? I just started week 4 what should I take>
    Keep either a SERM or AI on hand. Run it if sides, which I've mentioned, arise.

  5. #5
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Quote Originally Posted by getbigrob
    Neccessary precautions, which means what??? I just started week 4 what should I take>
    Did you not read what he said? Precautions means taking nolva ED and keeping an AI on hand.

  6. #6
    getbigrob is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    Did you not read what he said? Precautions means taking nolva ED and keeping an AI on hand.
    my bad chica chill out

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