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  1. #1
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    20 yr old been out on injury for 3 years...

    Hey everyone!

    I'm 20 years old, and I've played football most of my life... When I hit highschool as a freshman, I had a huge growth spurt (vertical), which ended up tearing my left Quad and my right hamstring... By the time I was a Junior, still palying football, my legs just couldnt take it anymore for I had never let them fully heal... Now, 3 years later I'm healed I took X-Rays and everything has healed nicely...

    My question...

    I really want to get back into football one last time, (in college) before It's too late and I have to live the rest of my life with the feeling of never being able to play the sport I love at 100% potential.

    I've been researching for a couple months and talking to my older brother (Who's been stacking for a year now) about Deca -Durabolin and Dianabol ... I'm coming to the point where I really wanna do this to gain 30-40 pounds of muscle in the next 3 months.

    What should I do physically and at what physcial level should I be at before I even consider juicing?

    I'm currently at 147 pounds, 5'11 with 7% body fat... For the most part, not nearly in the shape I was when playing football.

    Should I be in pretty good shape before starting to juice? Or would it be chill to start my cycles soon and just begin Bulking?

    Any opinions/advice would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Unoid is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FootballisHighlife
    Hey everyone!

    I'm 20 years old, and I've played football most of my life... When I hit highschool as a freshman, I had a huge growth spurt (vertical), which ended up tearing my left Quad and my right hamstring... By the time I was a Junior, still palying football, my legs just couldnt take it anymore for I had never let them fully heal... Now, 3 years later I'm healed I took X-Rays and everything has healed nicely...

    My question...

    I really want to get back into football one last time, (in college) before It's too late and I have to live the rest of my life with the feeling of never being able to play the sport I love at 100% potential.

    I've been researching for a couple months and talking to my older brother (Who's been stacking for a year now) about Deca -Durabolin and Dianabol ... I'm coming to the point where I really wanna do this to gain 30-40 pounds of muscle in the next 3 months.

    What should I do physically and at what physcial level should I be at before I even consider juicing?

    I'm currently at 147 pounds, 5'11 with 7% body fat... For the most part, not nearly in the shape I was when playing football.

    Should I be in pretty good shape before starting to juice? Or would it be chill to start my cycles soon and just begin Bulking?

    Any opinions/advice would be much appreciated!
    well you won't gain 30lbs of muscle let alone 40lbs. try 10-15lbs your first cycle if you eat like a horse.

    You need to get to 180lbs naturally through proper diet before you consider taking illegal drugs. You sound uneducated and they're illegal for a reason, uneducated people hurt themselves and perhaps others.

    Take a year still to get your diet in check and gain the muscle. then after your 21 consider it. so you know your endocrine (hormones etc) system is nearly all done progressing on its own.

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    If you go balls to the wall and train your gutts out you can get to where you want and maybe juice in 2 yrs when u are a jr or something but right now juice is not going to develope the core strengths you need for football. You need to establish yourself and redevelope your strengths. What if you go start a huge cycle or even a moderate cycle and blow out a knee again then you juiced for no reason. START EATING NOW!! Go to the store and get yourself allkinds of food. Every 2.5 hours take in a nice huge meal. Gain 20 lbs naturally. You can do it in 12 wks if you do it right. EAT EAT EAT EAT. Start researching all kinds of websites and what not. I been hitting the test-n@tion site and they got a ton of info on there. If you train balls to the wall and eat non stop at 20 yrs old you can get to where you want naturally and be happier in the long run


  4. #4
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice.

    I am definately un-educated and basically just hoping my brother doesn't put me in the hospital or anything lol

    Thats exactly why I've decided to read up on these forums and get advice :-)

    Assuming my brother knows what he's doing and I can trust that he'll evaluate and moderate my eating and lifting habits, would doing this after being out of shape for 3 years hurt me? or is my situation one that others have been successful with?

  5. #5
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by FootballisHighlife

    What should I do physically and at what physcial level should I be at before I even consider juicing?

    I'm currently at 147 pounds, 5'11 with 7% body fat... For the most part, not nearly in the shape I was when playing football.

    Should I be in pretty good shape before starting to juice? Or would it be chill to start my cycles soon and just begin Bulking?

    I must say it was rather refreshing to read you post.You seem to be very mature and level headed for your age.I admire the fact you came on here and asked these type questions as opposed to the idiots we get on here looking for a quick fix.
    I suggest you get back and the gym and hit the weights for at least 1 yr before even thinking about anabolics.It's apparent by your stats you really don't have a great foundation yet.And that is a very important part when it comes to using anabolics.Further more you have trained in years,so you'd risk injury when your strength would rapidly exceed your tendon strength.It's an accident waiting to happen.You're a smart guy,I'm sure you'll make the correct decision.

    Good luck on your comeback!

    **side note.Your brother is a fvkin idiot!!!**
    Last edited by Pinnacle; 02-09-2006 at 07:46 PM.

  6. #6
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    I posted that last reply before getting the chance to read chin-ups comment, thx bro! You're definately right there...
    "balls to the wall and train your gutts out you can get to where you want" lol

    As far as eating, would anyone happen to know a good website that will guide me through steps on eating habits to gain my 30-40 pounds? :-)

  7. #7
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    Pinnacle, that made complete sense!

    Thank you everyone for your comments, Building my Strength and gaining a stable foundation before taking any kind of anabolics sounds like a smart decision.

  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by FootballisHighlife
    I posted that last reply before getting the chance to read chin-ups comment, thx bro! You're definately right there...
    "balls to the wall and train your gutts out you can get to where you want" lol

    As far as eating, would anyone happen to know a good website that will guide me through steps on eating habits to gain my 30-40 pounds? :-)
    Read the stickies in this forum..

  9. #9
    chinups Guest
    Your going to get your fill on this board bruddah!!!!!

    Here is a quick list of foods I take in every day and every week

    every 2.5 hours have a meal


    Brown Rice
    Veggies...Brocolli and Spinach are best
    Reg white rice is ok but I never eat it

    Fruits are good carbs but mainly melons and berries, those are best. I also use bananas
    **any berries**


    Egg whites
    Canned Tuna..white tuna in water
    Fish..Salmon, talapia, Tuna steak...most any fish is good
    Turkey meats..burgers, steaks, ground meat


    flax, peanuts, natural peanut butter, mayo, cottage cheese, olive oil...

  10. #10
    Canadiantiger's Avatar
    Canadiantiger is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FootballisHighlife
    I posted that last reply before getting the chance to read chin-ups comment, thx bro! You're definately right there...
    "balls to the wall and train your gutts out you can get to where you want" lol

    As far as eating, would anyone happen to know a good website that will guide me through steps on eating habits to gain my 30-40 pounds? :-)

    Check Bulking sticky in the diet forum on this website aaaahhh forget it I type too slow i see everybody is sending you there already

  11. #11
    chinups Guest
    not sure what AR has against this site but I love the reading on it

  12. #12
    chinups Guest
    take out the periods after t,n and a

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    stay away from Deca . You will fail a test 2 years from now...Test enth. for your first cycle.

  14. #14
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    Thanks Chin-ups!


    If in 2 months I don't gain at least 15 pounds and start seeing a good production in strength/endurance... You'll see me back here asking for more alternatives :-þ

    *Just incase anyone out there like to see peopels progress* I'll post a pic of myself tomorrow and again in 2 months :-)

  15. #15
    FootballisHighlife is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Jay.JPG 
Views:	134 
Size:	12.5 KB 
ID:	62785

    There's me... At about 5'11 150 pounds

    Hopefully in 2 months ill be at least 175 :-)

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