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Thread: Receptor sites shut down?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Receptor sites shut down?

    2 years ago i started my first cycle at the age of 17. The purpose of the cycle was to build strength and power for an up and coming powerlifting competition. I used deca and enanthate 2 shots a week for a month. they worked pretty well and i have done about 2 course since mainly consisting of deca/sust. The problem however is that on my last two courses i wasnt training that often and they seem to have done more harm than good. Because even though my last course was over a year ago, no matter how much i diet and train sensibly i cant seem to pack on mass. I am just wondering is this something to do with my test levels being supressed or even amino acid receptor sites being de-activated? A reply would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    amino-acid receptor sites being de-activated???? what does that mean? On another note I think its possible that if u have low test levels its hard for u to gain mass... have u gotten them checked? Do u feel ur libido is fully recovered?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you probaly shut down your natural test did you take a pct after you were done with this cycle? you were obviously too young to do a cycle at 17 years old give some more detail as to what you did...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybeast
    2 years ago i started my first cycle at the age of 17. The purpose of the cycle was to build strength and power for an up and coming powerlifting competition. I used deca and enanthate 2 shots a week for a month. they worked pretty well and i have done about 2 course since mainly consisting of deca/sust. The problem however is that on my last two courses i wasnt training that often and they seem to have done more harm than good. Because even though my last course was over a year ago, no matter how much i diet and train sensibly i cant seem to pack on mass. I am just wondering is this something to do with my test levels being supressed or even amino acid receptor sites being de-activated? A reply would be greatly appreciated.
    By the sounds of it you are very misinformed. go vist the pct forum. that would be your problem

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    when did you finish your last cycle? IF you finished it more than a few months ago, I'd say you fvcked yourself for life, sorry to say. At 17 your hormones are so high that taking steroids is just wasting your money, and for only a month? What a waste man, you shut yourself down for nothing, and at a critical point in the development of your natural hormone production. In any case, get to a doc ASAP and tell him you think your test levels are low and you want a blood test. If your test levels come back low, you're a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. If they come back fine, you're just doing something wrong with diet and exercise. To gain mass, you should be eating at least 3500 calories a day, that's clean calories. Also need to be hitting every body part in the gym at least once a week.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I hope your happy at your height as you will never grow now. Can't understand the ignorance of youth these days. Jumping into messing with the endocrine system without any understanding.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    You ran a month of test e and deca? That is your main problem, all you did there was shut yourself down, but didnt even run the cycle long enough to get any gains. Then I assume no PCT? Androgens can upgrade ARs, so that is not your problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Montgomery
    when did you finish your last cycle? IF you finished it more than a few months ago, I'd say you fvcked yourself for life, sorry to say. At 17 your hormones are so high that taking steroids is just wasting your money, and for only a month? What a waste man, you shut yourself down for nothing, and at a critical point in the development of your natural hormone production. In any case, get to a doc ASAP and tell him you think your test levels are low and you want a blood test. If your test levels come back low, you're a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. If they come back fine, you're just doing something wrong with diet and exercise. To gain mass, you should be eating at least 3500 calories a day, that's clean calories. Also need to be hitting every body part in the gym at least once a week.

    I know it is not a good thing for a young person to take AAS, but no teen has test levels so high that AAS would be a waste of money. Payin about 300 or less dollars to net 20 pounds of muscle and do proper pct is not a waste of money.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    I know it is not a good thing for a young person to take AAS, but no teen has test levels so high that AAS would be a waste of money. Payin about 300 or less dollars to net 20 pounds of muscle and do proper pct is not a waste of money.
    get on an agreesive PCT ASAP!

    clomid for 4 weeks
    Nolvadex 4 weeks.
    Tribulus 6+weeks
    Longjack (tonkat ali) 6+ weeks.

    you sir are going to most likely be on hormone replacement therapy when you're 30 because you prolly damaged or hindered the potential of your endocrine system (responsible for natural hormone products)

    you'll be shorter most likely than you would have.

    Its a shame you'll learn the hard way.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    yea i ain that tall. about 5'9 but none of my family are that tall either. i think i should just rearrange my diet, consume more calories, and plan a good next cycle \nd do it right! cheers guys

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