The advised dosage for d-bol intake per day is usually around 4-5 5mg tabs. would there be any advantage in doubling this to ten??
The advised dosage for d-bol intake per day is usually around 4-5 5mg tabs. would there be any advantage in doubling this to ten??
First cycle? What else are you using with it?
Jayhova has some good questions, I see you have done some things in the past from your profile. Have you used dbol before - 25-30mg is a good start. It is better to start low the first time you use it and up it by 10 mg each subsequent cycle if you have no sides. I personally would never do over 50mg a day. Only use it as a kick start for 4-5 weeks with test as the base. IMHO.
Cycling it with deca. no its about my 3rd cycle but suffer from acne so dont wana touch any test injectables
Good observation!!Originally Posted by sp9
So just Deca and D-bol?Originally Posted by dirtybeast
Personally I've gotten way more acne from D-bol then any injectable other then Tren, back in the day.
Plenty of injectables out there that will lower your chances of Acne rather then D-bol
SAme here on the dbol. I think since dbol spikes fast, it makes me break out when going on and off of it. If you use a long acting test like test e, it should gradually increase the level of test in your system over a few weeks. I don't really get acne from test or EQ. I do get a little during and after PCT just because that is when your levels are swinging wildly. Acne I find is more from not keeping consistant doses in your body and/or not taking the drug at the correct dosing times.
I find this to be true as well. By not taking something as it should be you're risking the chances of sides, acne being one of them. Sure there are certain compounds that will increase the chances of sides. But if taking them properly then you can greatly cut down the chances.Originally Posted by sp9
PCT acne is almost unavoidable. I never really break out anymore and in PCT I'll get an occasional zit but thats about it. Proper PCT can really cut down on the chances of acne big time..
dbol will make your face look like pizza ...test is way more likely to give less acne your cycle is garbage
I cant speak for you, but in my experience dbol gives way more acne than running test. Actually I get virtually no acne on test (although a little oilier skin), you could even run dutasteride/finasteride to prevent this effect.Originally Posted by dirtybeast
Tru dat yoOriginally Posted by powerliftmike
some people do even 60mg (12 5mg tabs) everyday. Depends what you want to risk as far as sides go.
i would never in my right mind do sixty mgs of dbol.. with my last cycle i ran forty and that was plenty i think if i ever run it again im only running maybe thirty...dbols cool cuz it kicks in fast and gives you pumps that make you feel like your arms are going to explode but you gain almost nothing from it in the long run
Like SpideRico said, it is good for a good pump, strength and energy.. I have always used it 25 mgs on days I workout; for me I was good enough until 2-3 wks later when the real cycle kicked in..Originally Posted by SpiderRico
Actually this will vary on the individual. I have taken 50mgs of D-bol and never gotten a zit. I know others that take double that and no acne either. Some compounds trigger certain sides in some and not in others. So saying that D-bol will make your face look like a pizza is a false statement. Maybe it did in your case but cant be applied to every user.Originally Posted by SpiderRico
Also by telling him his cycle was garbage will only scare him away or cause an argument. You have been on here long enough to learn some things and others may be trying to learn. Why not put forth some useful info rather then commenting negatively? By doing that it will only help out everyone...........
So you only took it on workout days and didnt on nonworkout days?Originally Posted by Jade_7674
so if i just took 4 of them a day would that cause acne?
I think 30mg is a good starting dose. Everyone reacts differently, you won't know until you try. All you can do is read up as much as you can on other peoples experience, but it comes down to a human experiment on yourself. This is why many urge people start out with one compound (test) the first time and only add 1 additional compound the second cycle, so you can try to figure out where sides are coming from.
but i can just take d-bol by itself right and i will get bigger and cut?
D-bol is a greate muscle builder. Ofcourse you will get bigger. Keep in mind though that gains with d-bol are relatively hard to keep. D-bol is not a good cutting drug, as it converts heavily to estrogen, and causes bloating in most users. (getting cut mostly depends on diet though.)Originally Posted by is3004real
If you want to do a d-bol only cycle and avoid acne, I recomend using a lower dosage for a longer period of time. You should also stack it with proviron to reduce estrogen-buildup and keep libido up.
D-bol 15mgs ed 1-8
proviron-25-50 mgs ed 1-8
Originally Posted by is3004real
i have a feeling you think juice is ganna turn you into an IFBB pro ..
well im basically looking for something that is gonna make me bigger, im 5`9 and 152lbs so im kinda small and dont have alot of mass and i want bigger muscle but then again i also want to be cut do yall think yall could give me some advice and i know training hard is a big part and i am in the gym but i just want something to give me that lil extra size but definition too.
Originally Posted by is3004real
Try eating
I would start off at a low dose and if necessary work your way up, depending on how you feel. Ive used 80mg/day before, and I was really impressed with the results. Im not suggesting you try that, but that is what works with me. I was just using some cyp, eq, and 80mg/dbol..
So can you do dbol by itself at a low dosage without getting harsh sides
i have never needed anymore than 30mg dbol daily!
Hey why dont you gys do some reserche on d-bol evry one appers diffrent on it. I never got acne on my d-bol cyckle i just got it from (eq). And i did 30mg d-bol ed.
yea i know lots of guys that have done dbol only cycles without any harsh sides
i will not advocate dbol only!!
ok thanks
Yes - DBOL as a kick start to other long acting injectables (test as one) is it's best function in my opinion.
agreed!Originally Posted by sp9
Dbol doesnt actually aromatize to any great extent as it has a low affinity for the aromatase enzyme. It does however form methylestradiol, a much morepotent estrogenOriginally Posted by vitor
Im a newbie and I know that regardless of what you are going to take each persons body will react different. Some people will break out really bad and other will not experience sides. Its just one of those trial and error deals.
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