Upon opening and using my second bottle of T200, the following day (and 3 after) I have not stopped shitting pure water. My back hurt so bad I could bartey walk. Could this be from unsanitary T200?
Upon opening and using my second bottle of T200, the following day (and 3 after) I have not stopped shitting pure water. My back hurt so bad I could bartey walk. Could this be from unsanitary T200?
It could be. What else were you using?
cat have not seen you in while
what else were you using
any fever
any one you know sick
lots of flus going around
any pain ,redness, or sore at injection sites
what is it BROVEL?? tORNEL??
It was Tornel. Im using TK Enanthate as well.. The injection site is ok. Slight fever.
It is normal to experience "flu-like" symptoms for several days after the initial injections of any A.S. Keep your fluids up and do your best to keep your workouts as normal as you can until you feel "normal" again.
I hope are lot numbers are different cuz I dont need that crap.
I been feeling very tired too lately and cant figure out if its my eq/t200 or a bug i got thats going around but i been so tired and dragging that i cant workout intense at all.
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