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  1. #1
    juicer34's Avatar
    juicer34 is offline Junior Member
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    Difference in Tren A, Tren E.

    ..I was ready to get my Tren Acetate..then my "guy" ran out.....Ive never ran a tren cycle but hear there awesome! I can get Tren E....but what the differnce?

  2. #2
    juicer34's Avatar
    juicer34 is offline Junior Member
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    Helpa fella out.....

  3. #3
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Just a different ester - like test prop vs test enan.

    Tren E has the same ester as test E. Tren E is not recommended for first time use of Tren. Tren sides can be real bad for some people, so it is better to take Tren A, start with a lower dose, if sides get bad it will come out of your system fast, Tren E will take a while to decrease levels, say if you were getting prog. based gyno or really bad night sweats.

  4. #4
    juicer34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    Just a different ester - like test prop vs test enan.

    Tren E has the same ester as test E. Tren E is not recommended for first time use of Tren. Tren sides can be real bad for some people, so it is better to take Tren A, start with a lower dose, if sides get bad it will come out of your system fast, Tren E will take a while to decrease levels, say if you were getting prog. based gyno or really bad night sweats.

    Thanks...what is the recomended dosage per week???

  5. #5
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    Just a different ester - like test prop vs test enan.

    Tren E has the same ester as test E. Tren E is not recommended for first time use of Tren. Tren sides can be real bad for some people, so it is better to take Tren A, start with a lower dose, if sides get bad it will come out of your system fast, Tren E will take a while to decrease levels, say if you were getting prog. based gyno or really bad night sweats.
    tren a sides are no picnic either for some bro....sleeplessness the biggest issue for me

  6. #6
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    tren a sides are no picnic either for some bro....sleeplessness the biggest issue for me
    That's what I was trying to say. Same sides are possible, just if you use Tren A you can start out on the low side and ramp up if you don't see sides. If you do see sides they will reduce faster by ceasing Tren A vs Tren E.

    Sorry if what I said was confusing.

    Back to the second question:

    I am by no means an expert on tren dosing or tren, I don't use it because of it's potential sides ( I have researched it for a while). Go read the profile in the profile forum. I have heard of people starting with 50mg a day of tren a and then if things go well upping it to 75. There are a lot of posts on the dosing.

  7. #7
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    That's what I was trying to say. Same sides are possible, just if you use Tren A you can start out on the low side and ramp up if you don't see sides. If you do see sides they will reduce faster by ceasing Tren A vs Tren E.

    Sorry if what I said was confusing.

    Back to the second question:

    I am by no means an expert on tren dosing or tren, I don't use it because of it's potential sides ( I have researched it for a while). Go read the profile in the profile forum. I have heard of people starting with 50mg a day of tren a and then if things go well upping it to 75. There are a lot of posts on the dosing.
    right on bro.... if u want vascularity with gains above eq, tren is it.....but you will most likely pay a price with the sides, and you better have pct straight either way u go

  8. #8
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    I am using tren a this cycle... started out at 50mg ed now 6 weeks later running 120mg ed... sides have only been bad for a few days after bumping my dose... worst thing has been the tren cough.... when it does hit it hits me before I am even done injecting... Do u know how hard it is to inject while coughing your lungs up??? other then that i have been lucky with the sides... agression has been the only side to stick with me the whole cycle so far....

  9. #9
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    I am using tren a this cycle... started out at 50mg ed now 6 weeks later running 120mg ed... sides have only been bad for a few days after bumping my dose... worst thing has been the tren cough.... when it does hit it hits me before I am even done injecting... Do u know how hard it is to inject while coughing your lungs up??? other then that i have been lucky with the sides... agression has been the only side to stick with me the whole cycle so far....
    pm me bro

  10. #10
    Maetenloch's Avatar
    Maetenloch is offline Associate Member
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    The first time I used tren was with tren E and I had no problems - well other than the usual night sweats and sleeplessness. If you've got tren A, try it first but if all you can get is E, don't be afraid of using it. Just start with a lower weekly dose and adjust upwards.

  11. #11
    juicer34's Avatar
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    Right, but should I use Tren E like Tren A?? A far as dosages?? 75mg eod?? or since it is an enthenate something like 300mgs per week(1-2 shots per?)

  12. #12
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by juicer34
    Right, but should I use Tren E like Tren A?? A far as dosages?? 75mg eod?? or since it is an enthenate something like 300mgs per week(1-2 shots per?)
    With e I wld split my weekly dose into 2 shots every 3.5 days...

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