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  1. #1
    irondiezl3 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    Question Want to start cycle which one to use?

    my choices are propanate sustanon deca or winstrol ? I was thinking after im done with which ever one of those I choose do a cycle of clomyd to keep estrogen levels down but I heard with wintrol I wouldn't need to do that. I know winstrol wont get me mass but I know it would get me a little and get me strength and harder with little water retention. any ideas and input would be nice thanks.

  2. #2
    mr amp is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    wats ur stats and exp training mate and hope u have a good diet

  3. #3
    Lil man 10's Avatar
    Lil man 10 is offline Junior Member
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    dude you seriously need to do more research before trying any aas, none of the above compounds should be used as a first cycle except maybe the sust or prop both of these are going to require frequent injections and please check out the pct forum for proper post cycle therapy

  4. #4
    Bizz's Avatar
    Bizz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by irondiezl3
    my choices are propanate sustanon deca or winstrol? I was thinking after im done with which ever one of those I choose do a cycle of clomyd to keep estrogen levels down but I heard with wintrol I wouldn't need to do that. I know winstrol wont get me mass but I know it would get me a little and get me strength and harder with little water retention. any ideas and input would be nice thanks.
    have a good read!

    Cycles for the Newbie


  5. #5
    c8rsa's Avatar
    c8rsa is offline Associate Member
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    Is this gana b your first cycle? Please read up for info before you do anything

  6. #6
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    My first post was worse!

    Quote Originally Posted by c8rsa
    Is this gana b your first cycle? Please read up for info before you do anything
    I think I was thinking about deca and dbol for my 1st!!!!!!!You'll learn alot here. Take your time and read, read, read!

  7. #7
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2006
    yo lil man, where can i checkout the pct forum??? thnx!

  8. #8
    gman13 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2005
    ok if you are going to do a cycle first read up before starting then make sure you have everything you need before you even start needles ,pct ect. now if i were you choose either between the sus or prop, personally i wouldnt do neither to much sticking then either stack with a oral like dbol or with another aas such as deca or winny depending on what you want to acomplish. then finally decide what you want to use for pct clomid,nolva ,hcg ect. this is what i would recomend test e - dbol for size , strength, or test e- deca for size, strength. for cutting winny, prop GOOD LUCK

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