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Thread: Powders to injectables??? Anyone done it??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City

    Question Powders to injectables??? Anyone done it??

    OK well i can get all types of powders from a producer in portugal, just wondering if any of you get your gear this way and make the powders into injectables?? What did you think?? Its sooo much cheaper like 10X and seems really easy to do. So anyone have experience in this??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    well i didnt do it because i dont trust powders from some sources.example -testosterone enathate powder-how can it be powder ?
    second -some powders are way of their mp-wich shows what? impurity who knows what you your case if you're sure powders come straight from manufacturer,and are what the're claim to be than go for it.if i have aces to powders i would like to give it a try

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City
    Yes they go from this manufacturer straight to pharmasutical companies that convert the powders to their injectable for and put them into amps. Just dont know if i trust doing it i mean after sitting with the consentration of the gear change at all or settle?? Ill see.

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