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  1. #1
    GettinStacked's Avatar
    GettinStacked is offline New Member
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    Quick Cycle - 6 wks

    Alright guys, I am new, but I have done my research and have a couple questions. I have read a few opinions and want some constructive input from the bros on here. I am in the military and am in combat arms. Because of this I am always in the field training. I have sniper school, a ton of pre-deployment training, and then deployment coming up. I need to do a cycle around 6-8 wks. I know that I can do this with test prop and dbol , but I would like to avoid a shot every other day. I also know that there are goig to be a few people who tell me just to wait. Unfortunately, that would require almost two years of waiting and I am just not prepared to wait that long. Any suggestions on a 6-8wk cycle without a shot every other day? What else can I use with similair results? If I did go with prop, could I space my shots out more and still keep blood levels relatively consistent?



    185 lbs

    5'11" or 6'

    9% bodyfat, maybe less

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    That is prety much your only option is to go with a fast acting compound like Prop or suspension. Other compounds will require a lot more time to build blood levels.

  3. #3
    Dexta's Avatar
    Dexta is offline Associate Member
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    yeah you have the right idea, 6-8 weeks isnt much but if you have to then good luck with that.

  4. #4
    drak is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like thats your only option... EOD Shots really arent that bad. You'll just have a few lumps =] - Better than nothing, and I know how waiting is bro, I'm in the same boat =]

    Good luck man, and stay SAFE!
    You are an American Hero =]

  5. #5
    GettinStacked's Avatar
    GettinStacked is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the support drak and I am still trying to decide so if anyone has any other input, I'd be happy to hear from you.

  6. #6
    Brazil's Avatar
    Brazil is offline Member
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    Im currently doing a short cycle myself. I like them I did 8 weeks pure sust and liked my gains and kept them. Now im doing 3 weeks anadrol with sust and last two weeks only sust. But dont forget pct is three weeks or a month. for me pct will go right through 6 weeks cause i gotta wait three weeks to start.

  7. #7
    Clichy is offline New Member
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    Tren Acetate 50-75mg ED
    Testo propionate 100mg ED
    For 8weeks

  8. #8
    GettinStacked's Avatar
    GettinStacked is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clichy
    Tren Acetate 50-75mg ED
    Testo propionate 100mg ED
    For 8weeks
    Hey bros appreciate your info, but Clichy I am going to have to disagree wholeheartedly with your tren suggestion. Tren is for advanced BB or PL and I am only doing my first cycle. Tren is an incredibly potent AAS and from what I have read about it, you can really hurt yourself due to the fact that your muscles will grow so much quicker than your joints and tendons (leading to a serious injury). This is not from experience, but I have read up on it and I dont think I will ever do Tren unless I become much more serious about AAS. Thanks again guys!

  9. #9
    Brazil's Avatar
    Brazil is offline Member
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    try sust @ every other day. some say its possible every three thats what I did it worked well @ 8 weeks but dont forget you will have to wait 3 weeks to do pct and three weeks of pct for a total of 14 weeks.

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Sust EOD? What would you pushing for that about, 1000mg a week?!?

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by GettinStacked
    Hey bros appreciate your info, but Clichy I am going to have to disagree wholeheartedly with your tren suggestion. Tren is for advanced BB or PL and I am only doing my first cycle. Tren is an incredibly potent AAS and from what I have read about it, you can really hurt yourself due to the fact that your muscles will grow so much quicker than your joints and tendons (leading to a serious injury). This is not from experience, but I have read up on it and I dont think I will ever do Tren unless I become much more serious about AAS. Thanks again guys!
    Bout time I saw a post where somebody had some f'ing sense. Glad to see you've done your homework and know not to run Tren the first time around. That being said I'd just simply run Prop for 6-8wks at 150mg EOD and see how your gains are. I'd bet you put on a good 10-15lbs and keep most of it if the diet is down.

    IF you don't want EOD shots then switch to a longer ester like enanthate But I'd run it minimum of 8-10wks, more like 12 for the best results at 250-500mg/wk, you could get away with 1shot per wk if you had too but twice a week would be more beneficial. Make absolute sure you have your PCT in order and give yourself adequate time to complete it. Best of luck.


  12. #12
    Brazil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Sust EOD? What would you pushing for that about, 1000mg a week?!?

    yeah it makes like 8 hundred something thats why i said go with three days thats what I did first time I didnt really get sides until pct alot of zits.

  13. #13
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    yeah thats my problem now with my PCT, acne...ugh..

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