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  1. #1
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006

    Fina Cycle help!

    1 Test-E 500mg/Wk Nolvadex 10mg ED
    2 Test-E 500mg/Wk Nolvadex 10mg ED
    3 Test-E 500mg/Wk Nolvadex 10mg ED
    4 Test-E 500mg/Wk Nolvadex 10mg ED
    5 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    6 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    7 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    8 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    9 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    10 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    11 Test-E 500mg/Wk Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    12 Fina 50mg ED Nolvadex 10mg ED
    13 Clomid day 1 300mg Nolvadex 20mg ED
    14 Clomid day 2-11 100mg ed Nolvadex 20mg ED
    15 Clomid day 12-21 50 mg ed Nolvadex 20mg ED
    (Clomid Starts 13 days after my last Test-E shot and 3 days after my last Fina shot.)

    Now my question is should I run the fina for 8.5 weeks at 50mg ED or 5.5 weeks at 75mg ED?

  2. #2
    whittm1 is offline Junior Member
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    war eagle
    whats ur cycle history? If u never ran fina before stick with 5 wks

  3. #3
    Dark Dragon is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005
    or u can be me 2nd cycle, never run fina b4 and run it for 18 weeks, and turn into a roman statue...its not really that bad night sweats and tren fever stopped after first 4 weeks. i will say that around week 10 i did turn into quite the grumpy dude although...but if your strong of mind (and anyone doing this stuff should be) than you should be able to handle it without going "completely" insane.

  4. #4
    whittm1 is offline Junior Member
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    war eagle
    I know some people who run tren for crazy amounts of time, they look great but trust me u dont want those kinds of side effects. When they finally came off they wanted to jump off a bridge.

  5. #5
    A&FGuy's Avatar
    A&FGuy is offline Associate Member
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    This will only be my second cycle I know, but ive done my research, and
    I know what im in for.

  6. #6
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    Only In Jersey
    keep it at 50mg ed and see how the sides are. if they are tolerable then you might want to consider up ing the dose over the remainder of your weeks on.

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