Hello -

Brief history:

Former military - 20 y/o medic - while in training many of us used some type of gear. It was easily attainable. We trained near mexico so access to mexican gear was easy. Back then I used Sustanon - Deca - Test cyp. I was around 195ish then - good strength - recovery was phenomenal. I had the usual injuries - shoulders - knees - you name it I probably dinged it up. I was medically discharged from the military because of a bad training accident. I have an intramedullary rod in my femur - I had a comminuted femur fx. On top of that I snapped my patella. Needless to say I wasn't able to do my job so I got out. Physical therapy daily for about a year. Gained most of my mobility, but lost a good deal of strength.

Present day:

33 y/o - 5'10" - 175 lbs - bf 10ish percent. The leg injury still bothers me, but I continue doing what I do. I was a decent athlete in high school and college. Played soccer and football. I'm playing in the flag football leagues and soccer leagues with guys 15 years younger than me. I still hold my own. LOL. Even with the bum leg - screw the young kids. LOL.

About a year and a half ago I blew my shoulder out. 4th - 5th degree AC separation. If any of you know injuries - blah blah blah - it was pretty bad. They had to go into my shoulder - cut off the last 1/2 inch or so of my clavicle and reattach the supporting structures. I gained most of my mobility from that one.

I tried a tren only cycle a couple of years ago. Loved the stuff. I now know that it was a bad move, but the sides were minimal. Night sweats and cramping were the worst of them though. For some reason - even though I remained hydrated I had severe muscle cramps. I felt 'pumped' constantly. I was pretty shredded. I got up to 185 lbs with around 6% bf.

I'm getting ready to start a cycle. I have:

20cc oral dbol @ 200 mgs/cc
20cc test cyp @ 200 mgs/cc
20cc deca @ 200 mgs/cc
20cc tren @ 100 mgs/cc

10cc arimidex not sure of its potency, but was recommended a dosage of .2cc eod.

I know the gear is legit.

The recommended dosages were:

10 WEEK cycle:

dbol (mixed with everclear) 1cc oral ED (first 3 weeks).
test cyp 1cc every week (injection).
deca 1cc every week (injection).
tren 1cc EOD (last 7 weeks of cycle - injection).

I want to cut the dosages in half:

dbol (mixed with everclear) 1/2cc oral ED (first 3 weeks).
test cyp 1/2cc every week.
deca 1/2cc every week.
tren 1/2cc EOD (last 7 weeks of cycle).

Is it an waste of time?

All thoughts will be appreciated.

- out

PS - been lurking for a while. It's easy to pick out the knowledgeable ones on this board. Thanks for the great info.