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Thread: first cycle abdominal fat question

  1. #1

    first cycle abdominal fat question

    I am 2 weeks into my first cycle. I am doing 500/mg of test and 400/mg of deca. I started out weighing 185 and have gained 3 lbs so far. my problem is it appears my abdominal fat has increased since i started my cycle. my normal day diet is:
    wake up:whey protein shake
    breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 wheat toast(no butter), oatmeal
    mid morn snack: yogurt
    prework out meal: grilled chicken breast with salad
    post workout meal(lunch): grilled chicken breast, green beans, rice, whey protein
    mid afternoon snack: banana, protein shake
    dinner: low fat banquet dinner
    evening snack: raisin bran, low fat milk
    working out 5 days a week with no cardio so can bulk up. i'm trying to get in enough calories and protein but as i said it seems like i'm only gaining abdominal fat which i didn't have before, if this isn't normal please offer suggestions to correct.

  2. #2
    Abuse reported
    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 05:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Most likely your BF has gone up. Its only week 2 and the gear isn't really even kicking in yet.

    BTW, that is a LOT of gear for a first cycle!!!

    Agreed wait until atleast week 5. Keep eating

  4. #4
    thanks for the advice! will it take 5 weeks for the gear to kick in or should i start seeing results sooner?

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