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Thread: any input on ** accutane?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    any input on ** accutane?

    was wondering if any bros have used this product.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i used accutane when i was younger (about 16) cause i had bad cystic acne both on my face and neck. It was prescribed through a derm. After about the first month(its about a 6 month cycle) i noticed my face clearing drastically. After about month 5.. my face was totally clear and to this day, still is.

    Please be aware tho....... There is a GREAT amount of side effects that comes with this drug. (go look up accutane on the net)

    the only side effects i encountered were:

    dry skin
    dry lips
    decreased night vision

    hope that helps

  3. #3
    i always run accutane with my cycles at low doseges; i tried ** once just to save money, and my face became riddened with acne, i regret being cheap back then. so in MY experiences eyepee accutane sucked, the whole time my lips never went dry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bro, ** accutane, come on. This is a pretty hardcore acne drug taken under very controlled circumstances. While people are on it, they frequently have blood work done. If you really need it, go to doc and get it. I would definitely advise against getting it from anywhere other than a pharmacy, and I would only take it under a doctor's supervision, but hey, that's just me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks all, i think ill head to a dermatologist and see if i can fight acne with some antibiotics, then maybe later accu. peace


  6. #6
    accutane is available online pharms without a script, just costly... like japan man says, you probably get what you pay for in this dept.

    JMD, have you done any cycles? Did the acne come back? I had some acne as a kid, nothing crazy, went to the derm and had accutane - completely cleared me up. Did a test cycle with tt cyp and used eyepee arimidex, acne came back, not terrible, but pretty bad, and in new places (chest / shoulders). Well, I wonder if it was using tt (which could be dirty), the eyepee arimidex (which could be ineffective), or if it is just me... I didn't have bloat while on cycle, so I thought the arimidex was working. I'm really hoping that going with human grade and legit arimidex will give me better side effect control... what have you experienced guys?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    hey golden, i had severe acne, the accutane cleared it.. last year i did a cycle of enanthate (500mg week) and i only got a little bit of acne around my neck, nothing major... once i finished the cycle it dissapeared for the most part

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