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Thread: test propionate

  1. #1
    eric_eroc is offline Banned
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    test propionate

    im a newbie so take it easy about to do a cycle of dbol and test propionate
    the dbols is oral and the test propionate is injection, i need to know what kind and size syringe i need to but and how many. thanks

  2. #2
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Do some research on the subject and you will have no problem knowing how many pins you are going to need.

    Are you going to take it ED, EOD, how many weeks? If you don't know the answers to these questions, then you shouldn't start your cycle yet. Research on this board and you will find all of the answers that you need and much more. You don't want to just know what to take and when to take it, but why you need to do it that way. Having a background on what you are using will help you to understand how to use it properly.

  3. #3
    usamm's Avatar
    usamm is offline Banned
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    For a first cycle, try Test Enanthate or Cypionate + DBOL . Prop will be great for a later cycle. Good luck on future cycle.

  4. #4
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    Do some research on the subject and you will have no problem knowing how many pins you are going to need.
    If you don't know the answers to these questions, then you shouldn't start your cycle yet. Research on this board and you will find all of the answers that you need and much more. You don't want to just know what to take and when to take it, but why you need to do it that way. Having a background on what you are using will help you to understand how to use it properly.
    yes... follow this bro.. Cuz you dont wanna end up having to get a pair of boobs you've grown, surgically removed or anything like that...
    You need to know all proper ways of working with this stuff.. Its not fun and games.. BE SAFE!!!

  5. #5
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by usamm
    For a first cycle, try Test Enanthate or Cypionate + DBOL. Prop will be great for a later cycle. Good luck on future cycle.
    for a first cycle you can do prop only but who wants to be injecting that frequent for a first cycle i would get rid of this cycle and either do a cyp or enth only for a first cycle

  6. #6
    usamm's Avatar
    usamm is offline Banned
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    Good idea SpiderRico

  7. #7
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    Test P shots HURT

  8. #8
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1
    Test P shots HURT
    only for the first 3 or 4 weeks.

  9. #9
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    yea....then you quit taking them....Actually i only hate shooting my vastus lateralus....delts and pecs are not bad at all...

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