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  1. #1
    vze4fhpv is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Starting cycle... need some feedback please..

    Ok, I'm 26 years old 5'11" and 215 lbs, regular guy with a little belly and not a ton of definition...

    I have been working out on a regular basis for 2-3 months now... taking t3 25mcg a day and clen (light dose) of about 60mcg a day for the last few weeks... I worked up slowly on the clen due to the warnings I got from other members. My goal has been to lose some body fat before starting a real deal cycle.

    After learning about anabolics I've decided to take some product to get a boost in size and strength.

    I have used Omnadren at 250mg a week once before in college and jumped up from 180-200lbs in a matter of 8-12 weeks...

    Plan is to take

    4 5mg Dbol a day for 12 weeks
    1 shot of Sustanon 250 every 3 days, so 500mg/ml for 8-12 weeks
    1 shot of deca once a week at 200mg/ml for 8-12 weeks
    Take Nolvadex (20mg/tab)at end of cycle every day for 3-4 weeks...

    My qeustions are how does this look for a cycle, and should I continue with the clen and t3 while on the other stuff? I've read and read and can't find anything about taking it with the heavier product.

    Please reply with your thought and input... Also where is the best place to post pics of gear to see if it's real deal or not???

  2. #2
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    cycle doesnt look to bad. i would bump up the doseage of deca a bit.
    yes you can continue with clen and t3 while on cycle. in fact is not recomended to take t3 while not on a cycle.
    also we have a picture forum where u can post the gear.
    good luck.

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