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Thread: Haladrol quest. bout it and how decteable is it

  1. #1

    Haladrol quest. bout it and how decteable is it

    i am a junior in high school 17 turning 18 in the summer
    i am
    bench: 190
    forty time:5.2
    I have been taking in close to 200 grams of protein a day working out every other day and running every day i eat 8 smalls meals a day taking in as much protein as i can stomach and drinking about gallon and 1/2 a day i been doing this for past 7 months and gaining only 6 lbs
    I recently purchased Haladrol and i am comptiplating on taking them i heard good things about it but is it easily picked up in testing since my school is starting that this year and i would like to know somethings about it before i start this cycle

    i am aiming a goal at 180 maybe if im lucky 190
    i wood like bench to be close to 250 and squat to go up to mid 300's and forty time down a lil can yall help me out with this situation lmk wat yall think

    i kno at my age i shouldnt be taking it but i realy want that state championship next year so i am willing to do anything

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    your too young come back when ur 18

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    St. Paul, MN
    lol, you bought them, but you're still thinking about taking them? isn't this something that should have been thought of before you bought them?

    fact is, regardless what we say, you're still going to take them.

  4. #4
    i bout them on a impulse then i just thought bout it
    but yeh 9/10 i will probily end up taking them anyways

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    he's under age to be on this forum
    he is going to use it regardless what we say
    he overpayed for it as well

  6. #6
    yeh im deff in the same boat.
    soph in highschool
    recently turned 16
    bench 185
    squat 250

    if u find any info about this stuff please share it with me becase i bough some but im thinking about selling it becuse i heard it was like really detectable and our strength coach just told us that if anyone all of a sudden gets massive that they will be tested. please give me some info!!!

  7. #7
    oh yeh what position do u play?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South Carolina
    You need to eat more. I am eating 250 grams of protein a day and that is with 2400 cals. This is a cut diet for me and you are trying to bulk with it. I am barely maintaining my muscle. You are 17 eat everything you possible can around 5k cals a day and 400-450 protein and you will gain. I f you don't the roids wouldn't work anyway. I did roids when i was 21 and wish I didn't.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    You guys need to get a clue. Especially the one who's only friggin 16!!!! You seriously cant be this dumb!!!!! Aaaarrrggghhh!!!! Ok, both of you sell them and start taking creatine. Dont take steroids. Halodrol wont get you big anyways. So sell them and up your calories, get in the gym 5 days a week, tweak your routine, and jump on some creatine. Steroids will mess with your body wich could f*ck up your life!!!!! Oh, and your going to get banned because you are too young, so take the advice while you can!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    i read that halodrol contains something that is very similar to a steroid called turinibol, also known as tbol. tbol has a chemical structure which is almost identical to dianabol. from what ive read, tbol doesn't aromatize much if at all, it doesn't give you water retention, and it gives you solid and keepable gains. i don't have any first hand knowledge of tbol though, as i said, this is what i have heard about it. btw, i was under the impression that halodrol is a legal supplement as of right now, so it should be ok for you to take it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    you think a supplement is going to pack on 20-30 pounds of muscle? i dont care what is in it but people get these gains from REAL STEROID CYCLES eating double what you eat....

    you need to stay away from any such drugs and as previously stated get on creatine and up those cals and you will get jacked without miessing with your hormones

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i read that halodrol contains something that is very similar to a steroid called turinibol, also known as tbol. tbol has a chemical structure which is almost identical to dianabol. from what ive read, tbol doesn't aromatize much if at all, it doesn't give you water retention, and it gives you solid and keepable gains. i don't have any first hand knowledge of tbol though, as i said, this is what i have heard about it. btw, i was under the impression that halodrol is a legal supplement as of right now, so it should be ok for you to take it.

    ????? are you serious??????

    I wouldnt recomend it to them "just because its legal"! would you recomend pro-hormones to these kids? I wouldnt!!!! Any type of hormonal supplements shouldnt be used by kids!!! Please tell me you were just misinformed.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    creatine is good sh_t. one of the only legal supps that actually works. but you have to have everything else in check too. it doesn't matter how much creatine you are taking, if your not eating right and getting enough rest you will not grow for sh_t.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    ????? are you serious??????

    I wouldnt recomend it to them "just because its legal"! would you recomend pro-hormones to these kids? I wouldnt!!!! Any type of hormonal supplements shouldnt be used by kids!!! Please tell me you were just misinformed.
    what i meant was that they could test positive for it and probably not get in trouble for it. i wasn't saying its a good idea for them to be taking it, at least not at that age.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    This is true, and dont take any hormonal supplements until at least like 20-21. Even then, thats still 2 young.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    what i meant was that they could test positive for it and probably not get in trouble for it. i wasn't saying its a good idea for them to be taking it, at least not at that age.

    Ok bro It sounded like you were saying its ok for them to use steroids. Ive seen you on other posts and I knew you were pretty knowledgable, was hopin this is not what ya meant. Sorry bro

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    Ok bro It sounded like you were saying its ok for them to use steroids. Ive seen you on other posts and I knew you were pretty knowledgable, was hopin this is not what ya meant. Sorry bro
    its cool bro, honest mistake. this board is here to help people, not screw them up.

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