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Thread: First time,, low dose

  1. #1

    First time,, low dose

    I want to find out what some of the experts feel about small doses on your first cycle. The cycle will be for moderate gains while lowing bf%

    the cycle are came up with

    Deca d
    week 1=50mg
    week 2=100mg
    week 3=200mg
    week 4=200mg
    week 5=100
    week 6=100
    week 7=50

    day 1-7 50mg
    day8-21 100mg
    day21-35 50mg

    clomid to follow at end for 7 days

    my main concern is i am being to conservative. I have been lifting for over 5 years. I will be eating high protein diet. Is it even worth the risk and will there be any gains with such a low dose.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well bro differnt people react differently to gear ,its good that your starting low to see how your body reacts to it and then u work your self up in the future,that way doen the road u wont need 1000 mg to grow 500 or so will do ya good.the more cycles you do the mor ejuice u r gonna need to get good id suggest not tapering the deca its a lond acting ester so idont see the point in it.if do want to run a low doce go with 300 through out, and start your clomid 3 weeks after your last shot cause that how long it takes to metabolise outta your body,300 mg the firts day then 100 for 10 then 50 for ten,if i were u id run something else with it your shotting so why not stck it with something ata low dose,some test at like 300 mg wil do ya good on the gains,what rur goals ?

  3. #3
    iam 5'9 170lbs@10%bf,, i want 185 @about7-8bf

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    How old are you? First cycle, right? How long have you been training?

    Cytomel (T3) is for cutting--so if you want mass, don't use it. Adding Lean Body Mass (LBM) will lower your BF% enough to get you in the 7-8% range--if you don't gain too much fat bulking.

    Besides, the dosage schedule is poor--you need a better taper off the T#/Cytomel. Read CYCLEON’s Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3 for more information on how to use T3 and how to schedule dosages.

    The Deca dosages are WAY too low. YOu will shut down your natural testosterone production and barely replace it with enough Deca to compensate--so you will see little to no gains. Low doses for a first cycle are OK--but that's too low to be useful!

    Pyramiding is not a good idea IMO.

    Clomid has to be takne for a lot longer than 7 days. Deca is particularly hard on natural testosterone production.

    What's the problem? Short on money? (Ain't we all!)

    OK. That's food for thought while you answer the rest of the questions...

  5. #5
    I am 32, I have been training off and on since high school, more intensly the last five years. I had the dough to pay, but i was concerned about the source, again it was the first time i used them. Thanks for the help,, could you give me more advice on on a second cycle (november). It will be for all bulk. Any thing else anyone can add would be helpful.
    Last edited by stetson0032; 05-29-2002 at 02:36 PM.

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