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Thread: package was open ??????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
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    Angry package was open ??????

    I just got my gear through the mail and the one package was open, thank god it wasn't the juice package. But it was obviously cut open with a knife, and the wrapping paper was torn open too. I got paranoid as hell thinking the feds were going to knock on the friggin door any minute !!!!

    Did this ever happen to anyone before ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
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    Hey Diesel, Care to elaborate a little on that ????

  3. #3
    i heard ordering on line is the easies way to get busted, i haven't try it and i dont think i will,
    i dont want to scare you bro i'm just telling you
    what i heard ok, any way i'm happy for you and your gear i know it feels real good having what
    you ordered right right...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nah, I didn't have to sign for it, it was just left in the mail box. I was told , if I was ging to get busted , they would get me before I got in the door. Just what I heard !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well Sick not necessarily. Not to make you paranoid, but they could be watching you. Most Fed's dont' want to bust a small time user (although, it is still a crime and can carry jail time in some cases), but mostly what they are looking for are people who sell the stuff. As long as your other pack wasn't opened I don't think you have to much to worry about. My question to you is, was your order International or Domestic? things are really hot right now, as far as International shipping, customs i hear is going thru things with a fine tooth comb. I would take Diesel's advice and ignore the pack for a few days. Be safe bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the help............It ws international and it's sittin by the door , with " return to sender" just to be safe !!!!!!!
    Thanks for ALL your help !!!!

  7. #7
    that happened to me with some clenbuterols... the shippment was split a few days apart with 1 package each day... the second one was cut open. i also heard that the return to sender is bullshit for the most part, mainly because if feds or any authority are going to make a move, they will have much more evidence than you suspect they do from something like that... like maybe mailing history. i wouldnt worry about it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Always be safe. Diesel gave some good advise. My gut feeling is that if it is opened up the feds are not going to do that. Think about it if you wanted to set someone up you would not want them to know that you were. To open a box and leave it open would be asinine. That is just my thoughts however I would always plan for the worse in these situation.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I heard that if you do that return to sender shit, It doesnt work. Feds dont care!! dont kid yourselves.

  10. #10
    i like the return to sender trick....if you get busted, you need all the loop holes you can get...
    but most orders are small (few hundred bucks) and if you are caught, it usually means a slap on the hand....

    one problem is going to be, if the feds think you are important enough to spend the man power on,you can kiss your computer goodbye....the problem is, from where did you place your order...they will find it on you computer even if you deleted everything....nothing is totally ever completely gone....

    if possible, it is good to order your supplies from a computer in a different location than where they are delivered or kept....

  11. #11
    don't these kinds of threads make everyone a little nervous.....especially when you know there is a next to nothing chance the feds will hunt you down....
    they dont have time to mess with small time orders....if they found it, you would just get the dreaded letter in the mail....

    but there are always exceptions.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The ass kicker about the whole thing is , this is the first time I had ordered through the mail and wasn't sure if I would get it at all !!! And I've got to get some more clomid I didn't order enough. . Why couldn't I just hide the shit outside my place, is what I'm wondering. Out of sight out of harms way !!!! What gear......I have NO idea what your talking about . I'm a nobody so I'm not going to worry anymore. Thanks for your help Bro's

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