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  1. #1
    Bandit57 is offline New Member
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    Question Please comment on d-bol/sus cycle..... starting in 4 days

    Ok guys tell me what you think:
    I am 21 yr old 5'8 189 with 15% BF. I have been lifting for 3 yrs solid then 2 yrs off and on because of work then hard for the last 3 mths. I am starting a cycle next week which looks like this:
    1-5 35mg D-bol ed
    2-7 Sus 400mg per wk
    8-11 clomid pct

    I will also be taking 'The perfect cycle' to keep my liver in order 1-8

    Diet will be strict and approx. 20 min of cardio 3x a week and lifting 5x wk rotating muscle groups and light full body on sundays.
    This will be my second cycle as I ran deca 300 for 10 wks approx 2 yrs ago and recieved good gains.

    Comments please on this cycle and what possible results/sides may I see???? Upon completion of this cycle I would like to see myself at 205 with approx 10% bf as well as increased strength. Is this obtainable IYO?

  2. #2
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    5 weeks of sust is waaaaay to short. (10-12 weeks minimum)
    Clomid therapy should start 18 days after your last sust injection.

    I'd suggest you workout steady for at least a year while educating yourself on the proper administration of AAS before starting any cycle. You have a lot to learn and plenty of time to do it in.

  3. #3
    HUNTER1's Avatar
    HUNTER1 is offline Member
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    that is way short. Also, a single long acting ester such as Test Enanthate at 500 mg/wk would be a better choice. the d-bol would be a nice addition to it as well.

  4. #4
    Bandit57 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the input guys... I have enoguh sus to run for 10 weeks and I also have enough Test E on hand to run 12 weeks.
    Which would be the best combo IYO:
    Cycle 1:
    1-5 35mg D-bol ed
    2-10 Test E 500mg wk
    With the clomid for pct as you outlined

    Cycle 2:
    1-5 35mg D-bol ed
    2-12 Sustanon 500mg wk
    Clomid for pct as outlined

  5. #5
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    Why not split the difference and go Sust for 8 weeks? I have noticed that there is less water retention on sust, but your mileage may vary. I have also noticed that gains plateau after 8 weeks.

    Good luck with those cardio sessions on Dbol . You are going to be one hurting puppy.


  6. #6
    Bandit57 is offline New Member
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    Why do you say that?

  7. #7
    DWayne is offline Junior Member
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    cycle #2 is better IMO

    But, i agree with eGGz. Work out for a good year or so until you reach a natural plateau. Your gains will be much greater.

  8. #8
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Start Clomid 18 days after last sust shot.
    Start Clomid 14 days after last Test E shot.

    Just another example of why you are not ready.

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz
    Start Clomid 18 days after last sust shot.
    Start Clomid 14 days after last Test E shot.

    Just another example of why you are not ready.
    The Deconate is in the blend of 4, making Sust. Deconate will be out of your system in 21 days. Starting PCT in 18 dyas following the cessation of the Sust will mean starting PCT with Testosterone still being active in ones blood.

  10. #10
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    The Deconate is in the blend of 4, making Sust. Deconate will be out of your system in 21 days. Starting PCT in 18 dyas following the cessation of the Sust will mean starting PCT with Testosterone still being active in ones blood.
    Allll righty then. I guess I'm not ready yet either. Thanks for the correction

  11. #11
    Stackertoo's Avatar
    Stackertoo is offline Member
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    Why are you waiting until week two to begin test? Start them together and let the longer esters reach stable levels sooner.

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