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Thread: Alchohol

  1. #1


    Preparing for contest.
    I have cut fat out of my diet. Going to a couple of bachelor parties and weddings....i know alchohol is a horrid substance and fatty but if i was to touch ANYTHING, what would people advise?
    Apparently cider isnt fatty?
    I am 9 weeks out from comp.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by topgun1983
    Preparing for contest.
    I have cut fat out of my diet. Going to a couple of bachelor parties and weddings....i know alchohol is a horrid substance and fatty but if i was to touch ANYTHING, what would people advise?
    Apparently cider isnt fatty?
    I am 9 weeks out from comp.
    Vodka is good because it is distilled without malt, which means less carbs and less sugars. Any clear liquor is good, and stick to the diet pops. May I recommend Vodka and Diet Sprite? Kinda foo foo but it'll still f*ck you up.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    thank you, ill have to make sure i hydrate myself at the same time too tho.
    will stick to the clear drinks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Of course, you'll get some replys that say...abstain...period. However, I understand the desire to have a few drinks, balanced with training and the disciplined lifestyle. The largest problem with alcohol, from my perspective, is its tendency to increase estrogen levels in the body. And, as we all know, that can have a catabolic effect.

    Here's how I've approached this issue in the past. Let me qualify this by saying, it's only my particular view. I make no warrant as to the scientific value or defensibility of this method. Only that it seems to have worked for me in the past.

    In those cases where I felt that I wouldn't have the discipline to simply refrain. I have limited myself to scotch mixed with water, and no more than three to four ounces over the course of an evening. Scotch Whiskey is the lowest sugar content of all the hard liquors. And, if you do it correctly, you can use the water to stretch the volume of alcohol out, maintaing your pleasant buzz without overdoing the volume of booze consumed. Further, should you slip up and go beyond your planned limit, you will be consuming a good amount of water which will help (somewhat) to move the undesired toxins out of your body. Should you consume more than your planned amount, I would follow up with a good anti-e which can help stem the effect of the increased estrogen levels you're likely to encounter.

    There you have it...remember, you work very hard to build and maintain a great physique. It is simply not worth it to throw it all out the window for the sake of partying. Apply some discipline and thoughtful methods, and you won't end up in a catabolic and hungover state.

    Good luck bro.

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