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  1. #1
    123rex is offline New Member
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    Talking need help with my deca and test cycle

    I know that you want to run test longer and stronger then deca , so i have test 250mg which i will use 2ccs every week for ten weeks, then i have deca 300mg, should i only use like 1.35 cc of deca making that 405mg PLease help me figure out how to run the test i have longeer then the deca Thanks!
    Last edited by 123rex; 02-16-2006 at 06:20 PM.

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    sounds like you are piecing the puzzle...

  3. #3
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by 123rex
    I know that you want to run test longer and stronger then deca, so i have test 250mg which i will use 2ccs every week for ten weeks, then i have deca 300mg, should i only use like 1.35 cc of deca making that 405mg PLease help me figure out how to run the test i have longeer then the deca Thanks!

    ive heard alot of guys say that you NEED to run test higher than deca , but imo its not necessary. most people don't even know why deca will make you go limp di_k. ive been told that what happens is that if you were to run a deca only cycle (or any nandrolone base for that matter) first, your body would stop producing its own testosterone . then after a few weeks of no test and lots of nor test, your body converts to using nor test in place of regular test. when your cycle ends, your body still thinks that its supposed to be using nor test instead of regular test. and since our bodies naturally produce a very small amount of nor test, it is insufficient for maintaining normal sexual abilities. however, this can be avoided if you run some type of test during the duration of your cycle, so your body doesn't convert to using nor test instead of regular test. the test dose does not have to be higher than the nor test dose. as a matter of fact, on my last cycle i ran nor test way higher than i ran the test enanthate , and i didn't have any problems with deca di_k at all.

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