I have done 2 test only cycles...10 weeks each at 600mg per week. My third cycle was 750mg Test E stacked with 600mg EQ for 12 weeks. My fourth and fifth cycle was 12 weeks 1000mg Test cyp stacked with 600mg deca and a 5 week jumpstart with D-bol at 40mg ed. This is what I was thinking for a big cycle before I run a cut cycle for my contest.
1-5 D-bol 40mg ed
1-14 Test Cyp 1250mg
1-13 EQ 800mg
7-14 Tren A 100mg eod...or tren E at 500mg per week??
1-14 Arimidex .5 ed
PCT 12 days after last Test shot
1 and 2. 50mg clomid + 40mg nolva
3. 40mg nolva
4. 20mg nolva
any changes or suggestions????