Ok... I've posted 2 other threads asking help on my Cycles and everyone was telling me a bunch of different thing so I've modified my cycle, and I want to know some of the experts opinions. I have the Test Prop and the Winny I want to add on another A.S but I don't know what else I could add on. I was thinking of either Deca, Eq, or Primobolon. What do you recomend ??????. My goals are to put lean Muscle on. I curently weigh 170lbs i'm 6'0. I've done 2 previous cycles but didn't like the weight I gained I looked very bloated and heavy. My weight when I was on my last cycle was up to 195lbs and my protein intake was at about 1.5-2 grams of protein for every pound I weigh. My 2 previous cylce where Sust and Deca. I stacked 400mgs of deca a week for 12 weeks and 500mgs of sust a week for 12 weeks. I don't want to take a test that will make me look bloated.
*So Basically my question is what steriod is the best to add onto that I curently have considering what i've taken already and what my goals are. All the help is very much appreciated.*
30cc's 50mgs per cc of Winstrol by Zambon
60cc's 50mgs per cc of Testosterone Propinate by Viromone
And I also Have Clomid for after my Cycle.
Weeks 1-10 50mgs M.W.F of Winstrol
Weeks 1-10 100mgs M.W.F of Test Prop