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Thread: Winny, Test Prop, and Deca or Primo?? What would you do with this Cycle????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey

    Question Winny, Test Prop, and Deca or Primo?? What would you do with this Cycle????

    Ok... I've posted 2 other threads asking help on my Cycles and everyone was telling me a bunch of different thing so I've modified my cycle, and I want to know some of the experts opinions. I have the Test Prop and the Winny I want to add on another A.S but I don't know what else I could add on. I was thinking of either Deca, Eq, or Primobolon. What do you recomend ??????. My goals are to put lean Muscle on. I curently weigh 170lbs i'm 6'0. I've done 2 previous cycles but didn't like the weight I gained I looked very bloated and heavy. My weight when I was on my last cycle was up to 195lbs and my protein intake was at about 1.5-2 grams of protein for every pound I weigh. My 2 previous cylce where Sust and Deca. I stacked 400mgs of deca a week for 12 weeks and 500mgs of sust a week for 12 weeks. I don't want to take a test that will make me look bloated.

    *So Basically my question is what steriod is the best to add onto that I curently have considering what i've taken already and what my goals are. All the help is very much appreciated.*

    30cc's 50mgs per cc of Winstrol by Zambon
    60cc's 50mgs per cc of Testosterone Propinate by Viromone
    And I also Have Clomid for after my Cycle.

    Weeks 1-10 50mgs M.W.F of Winstrol
    Weeks 1-10 100mgs M.W.F of Test Prop

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Southern California
    check out the thread I just posted and I got an answer that I think might help you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    400mg of eq per week. Either that or you could throw in some tren .

    BTW...maybe shoot that prop 50mg ed to get an ever better effect as its halflife is really short. It gets in and gets out quick, so the more often you shoot it, the better it will be stabilized at a constant level.
    Remember, adding tren also means ed shots, and you're already doing multiple shots per week....EQ might be a better choice. good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    I have Trenbolon at my house by International Phamaceuticals but I'm afraid it is not 100% real. I have 20cc's of it and it's rated at
    50mgs per cc. I was going to sell it but i'm not sure do you guys think that Trenbolone will work well with the cycle that i have. I'm sure it's real i've sold some of the other I.P products I had and my friends have had good results from it so i'm sure it's ok... Any thought on weahter this is a drug that was counterfeited. If not I can get anyone of the other 3 very easily.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    So... PopaPump you think that I should take the prop everyday and the Winny every other day right? If i take the Tren I can mix it with the Winny which I would be taking every other day as well. But my one problem with taking the Tren is that I only have enough for 7 weeks i only have 20cc's of the stuff.... And I know that i can't get anymore of that stuff. But I can Get Deca and Eq easily. How much better is the Tren I don't mind sticking myself numerous amount of times i Actually get a rush out of it as sick as that may sound... THANKS FOR THE HELP BRO

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