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Thread: How long to see the results

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mooresville, NC.
    Not trying to rub it in or be a dick , but I am doing the same with the EQ/Cyp, 300mg of each every 4 days and Halo 30mg/day. I am on my third injection (13 days in) and I am feeling "strong like bull" . This Halo (stenox 2.5/mg/tab) is the ticket.
    bench might have gone up, not sure, but instead of struggling on the 8th push of the rep, I am going to 12 now with no problems. I cant wait to see where I am at the end of the 10 weeks. Halo is only for the first 28 days. Oh I cant wait.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Back to 175 started winni 4 days ago, I also feel these gains i got i could have got on my own and saved my a lot of moeny and not risk some health problems. I am fustrated i dont even look like im on juice and i contiune to breka my back at the gym and depreive my self of eating like a pig or drinking and i get nothing in return. This blows dick

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by xplicit
    Back to 175 started winni 4 days ago, I also feel these gains i got i could have got on my own and saved my a lot of moeny and not risk some health problems. I am fustrated i dont even look like im on juice and i contiune to breka my back at the gym and depreive my self of eating like a pig or drinking and i get nothing in return. This blows dick
    Hey, whats your update on gains bro? I am also running a Test and Eq cycle (400 test wk, 300 Eq wk).

    Anybody else want to update? Seems we only hear guys post when they are early in teh cycle and not getting the expected results. Since there are no more updates I am assuming you guys are getting the results?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Jersey
    Hey guys. Today I started week 3 of a Sust/EQ Cycle. I'm running Sust/ 250mg every 5 days and EQ 500mg per week. I'm going to run it for 10 weeks. I feel a little bit stronger, but I think that it's just mental. So far
    I gained about 5lbs. I've been eating like 4000-5000 calories a day. This is my first cycle with test. Everyone has been telling me that I look thicker. I have started to break out a bit also. I'm using a benzoyle peroxide wash and differin cream for the acne. Seems to help a bit. I haven't had any problems with headache or anything. The only problem for me right now is that I also expected to run this cycle for 8 weeks, but changed it to 10 weeks. Right now I have the EQ for 10 weeks but I only have enough sust for 8. If I cant get any more sust for the last 2 weeks, do you guys think that the 8 weeks of sust and 10 weeks of EQ is enough?

    Good luck guys!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Hey xplicit bro, hope it works out for you. Try to keep your emotions in check, I know it could be hard but being down can hinder gains as well and effect your proformance in the gym.

    My other question is did you check to make sure your gear was ligit, and can you post your average days diet and give us the low down on your workout...

    Good luck bro...


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