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Thread: my Clen / Taurine / Benadry Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    my Clen / Taurine / Benadry Cycle

    Okay I just got my Clen/Taurine in the mail thanks ARR hehe. So I did all the reading as I was waiting for my goods to come in. Here is what I came up with being the best cycle I think.

    Day1: 20mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day2: 40mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day3: 60mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day4: 80mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day5-Day13: 100mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day14-Day21: 100 mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine / 100mg Benadry
    Day22-Day26: 100mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day27: 80mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day28: 60mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day29: 40mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine
    Day30: 20mcg Clen / 1000mg Taurine

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Does that look good? Also when would be a good time to add Halodrol 50 ?

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