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Thread: any1 experienced gyno from susta?

  1. #1

    Smile any1 experienced gyno from susta?

    hi.. just asking if anyone had any gyno experiences with sustanon?

    & out of curiosity, just asking for any early tell-tale signs of gyno striking....

    Thanx to anyone who'd share on this..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yes many people can get gyno from almost all AAS, Sust inclusive.
    Signs? Itching, scratching around the nipple area. Lumps, bumps, sensitivity around the area

  3. #3
    felt no itching, no lumps, or maybe its just my head thinking too much.. i just kept on observing it for days, maybe too afraid to have gyno....

    is it normal for the patch around the nipples to stretch when warm then go back to its original size when cold??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The desert
    Quote Originally Posted by eR0s_05
    is it normal for the patch around the nipples to stretch when warm then go back to its original size when cold??

    Yes, perfectly natural. If you have gyno, the symptoms will be unmistakable. Swollen, itchy nips. lumps, the whole nine yards.

    What you are describing is a perfectly natural response to a temp change.

  5. #5
    thanx a lot big j... was just being too conscious...

  6. #6
    are there any posts in here bout AS sides & how to combat it? could be handy someday to newbies like me.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    i got some gyno from sust I thought i could not use nolva througout cycle just add some and youll be fine. use the search option to find old posts.

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