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Thread: high blood pressure meds

  1. #1

    high blood pressure meds

    3 months ago I injured my shoulder and have been slacking and getting fat. my bp has always been borderline even when im in shape. when i saw the DR the other day he said it was time to put me on somthing to control it, he gave me Zestoretic-an ace inhibitor with a diuretic. IM 35 and didnt start training until 5 years ago, I have taken 2 cycles my last was 7 months ago, enathate/deca. As of now im 6ft 235lb about 22%. My question is if i have to remain on this medication how will it effect future cycles.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I dont know to much about this cause i never had to worry but im going to bump this for you so you get a answer bro

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    Stay on it bro - it wont have negative effects - I am on meds on and off cycle - your BP meds come BEFORE juice - trust me bro - it will help you maintain during your cycle anyway

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