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Thread: First Time Cycle

  1. #1

    First Time Cycle

    Hey-was just wondering whether anyone has any good info on Stenbolone (Anatrofin). I am looking into what I should take for my first cycle and have seen that Stenbolone at 50mg (1ml) injection per day is good for a cautious first time user, and has low sides. Similarly, Primabolan Depot at 200mg p/w is recommended for more cautious users with low sides, or Equipoise (Ganabol) at 200 mg p/w, or finally simply go for Deca at 200-400 mg p/w which is what I have been most commonly told to take and co-incide it with proviron and nolvadex.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by wishiwasmassive
    'a cautious first time user...more cautious users'
    Grow some balls. Then maybe you could produce your own test and get massive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Read the stickies for newbie cycles by Mudman.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Joaquin County, CA.

    Deca 400mg, and Sustanon 500mg a week would be a better choice than primo and stenbolone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Toppgun, that has got to be the worst response to a ? I have seen. The use of AAS is not a matter of balls or a matter of being a man. I have seen several replies recently like this. This board is to educate people, not belittle them. If you have nothing helpful to say keep your mouth shut. That kind of inmature bullsh-t makes people reluctant to ask questions that could potentially keep them from harming themselves. Anyway, with the use of aas, any aas, you are going to have to deal with sides. For this reason any good cylce will be run with ancillary drugs such as; nolvaldex, letro, bromo.etc... It is my opinion that any cycle worth running will include some test in it. All steroids to a certain degree will inhibit the bodies manufacturing of test. Some of the compounds you have mentioned above shut it down extremely hard. For a first time cycle, it is my opinion that a growth to sides ratio should be weighed with the application of ancillaries. Test enanthate when used with nolvaldex and proper pct, will allow you maximum growth with minimization of sides and quick rebounding of natural test production. Also you will retain your ability to perform sexually. If you run that Deca cycle you are thinking about, you will know what I mean.Good luck, Bro

  6. #6
    Thanks guns 626-a lot of help-much appreciated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    must agree with mr snakes!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    they say o ggod 1st cycle is just one source like a staright test e 500mg, but iv seen good results from first time deca sust stacks

  9. #9
    I think that for a first cycle test enanthate at 500 mg/wk is great, along with proper pct and anti-estrogens. Its a single ester compound that only requires 2 injections per week and yeilds great results. Deca and sust is a whole other animal. Sust is a compound made from 4 different esters of test, blood levels would be unstable unless it was injected ED or EOD, test e would keep them more stable. Multiple compounds should be utilized later in muscle development. Furthermore, injecting ED is kind of extreme for a first cycle. This cycle would allow more time to get used to AAS.

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