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Thread: Blocker substance for TEST

  1. #1

    Arrow Blocker substance for TEST

    I was doing some reading online, and I came across an article on a "dht" blocker that you take in conjunction with test that blockes this and thus canceling the test induced acne.

    It not really sure about the details, I may be off a little. I lost the website and I dont remember the name of the substance.

    Has anyone hurd of this?? What is it called?

  2. #2
    bump for any info

  3. #3
    5-Alpha Reductase (5AR) inhibitors. Finasteride and Dutasteride inhibit the enzyme that converts test to DHT so less androgenic sides. You need some DHT though, at least for libido.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Some compounds like finasteride but also Saw Palmetto and Beta Sitosterol have been shown to inhibit the binding of DHT to certain receptors(mainly on the prostate and to a certain extent hair folicals) which causes many of the sides associated with AAS usage. DHT binding to the hair folical is the primary cause of MPB in men and also clinical studies now show that it's DHT NOT test in itself that promotes prostate cancer so that some of the old therapys(chemical castration) are being discontinued in many cancer centers.

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