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  1. #1
    BigJames's Avatar
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    HELP!!! My Pounding Head...

    Ok bros, I am looking for some help here...

    I am in week 2 of 500mg/week Text Cyp. I have noticed some good pumps in in the gym and I feel pretty good and oddly confident, but, my head feels "pressurized" somehow and I have head aches when it is at its worst. It comes and goes, but it feels pressurized most of the time since after my second shot, which was last Wednesday (I am doing 2x250mg per week on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night). I am ssuming this is gear related.

    I started another thread about blood pressure and have tried Hawthorne Berry at about 100mg per day since Friday without much success. I also upped my water intake significantly and cut down sodium as well.

    Anyone have any other suggestions? I saw a thread on here a while back about this, but for the life of me I cannot find it.

    Some info: I am 30 yo, 6'2", 236 BP was last tested a year ago and was at 145/85..the doc figured the high reading was due to a muscular arm.

    Any help is appreciated....I am tempted to quit this cycle and just do some PCT and forget about it...this feeling sucks and now my wife is getting worried about my health...she is OK with gear, but not with me screwing up my blood pressure....



  2. #2
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Im running test c at 1000/wk... dont have the feeling that you are experiencing.... Is this your first cycle?

  3. #3
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    Im running test c at 1000/wk... dont have the feeling that you are experiencing.... Is this your first cycle?
    Yeah...first one. I did not expect this sensation after all my research...I am gonna go to a clinic tomorrow and get my pressure checked...if it is too high, I may come off my cycle....

    I will post the results of the test I get done tomorrow... I am starting to get scared...

  4. #4
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    why did you start with cyp? Was it readily available to you? No test E around?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    why did you start with cyp? Was it readily available to you? No test E around?
    At the time, no Test I can get either, but I wanted to use what I bought...and it expires too soon to move it. Is Test E easier on the body?

  6. #6
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    well, test e and cyp are almost identical.. I have read many times thought that test e for the first cycle is better. It may vary from one to another though as we are all different...

  7. #7
    smokethedays's Avatar
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    blood pressure

  8. #8
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    Most Gear will Raise yur BP , its common , ive had it too ..its not a big deal .. make sure you get those EFA's they help .. also .. you can probably take an advil .. just don't rely on it too much .

  9. #9
    omnipotent is offline Banned
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    i forgot to add , you might also want to practice your breathing technique alot of people dont breath righht when they workout or dont breath while doin lifts at all and that can cause headaches throughout the day .

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    i forgot to add , you might also want to practice your breathing technique alot of people dont breath righht when they workout or dont breath while doin lifts at all and that can cause headaches throughout the day .
    Thanks for your input bros...I felt it bad last night....I took two aspirin and two hawthorne berry extact caps (100mg in total). I feel a little better today. I went to the gym and did 55 minutes of cario first thing this AM with my sweatshirt on to get the sweat flowing. I took another 100mg of hawthorne berry with my breafast. I think part of my problem is sodium related, but I have been cutting sodium out like crazy since last week and really reading nutritional values carefully. I have noticed that my legs and arms are less "wet" and have more definition since I upped my water intake as well. I will continue to watch my diet close and drink tons of water ED to help as well. I may experiment with my Nolva dose as well...I am doing 10mg ED and my try 15 ED to see if it helps although I am not noticing any bloat, at least not in the way I would expect. I will watch the breathing some reason I hold my breath while doing shoulder presses if I do not concentrate, but I do not remember any slip ups this week. I am also taking Salmon Oil daily as well...

    I still intend to get my BP checked today just to see where I am at...I will post it for you guys as an FYI. If it is to high, I may quit...but we shall see. I am sort of hoping that what I am feeling is just because I just started and as my body gets used to the new level the sensation will pass....maybe wishful thinking....


  11. #11
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    . I am sort of hoping that what I am feeling is just because I just started and as my body gets used to the new level the sensation will pass....maybe wishful thinking....

    this happened to me on my first one also...

  12. #12
    Booz's Avatar
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    you could be dehydrated mate,how much water are you drinkin??
    get yourself a blood pressure moniter i have!

  13. #13
    URMaster's Avatar
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    It sounds to me like you have roid sickness which is common enough in the beginning of a cycle. It will probably pass, but I am no doctor. Get checked out if the problem continues or intensifies.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by URMaster
    It sounds to me like you have roid sickness which is common enough in the beginning of a cycle. It will probably pass, but I am no doctor. Get checked out if the problem continues or intensifies.
    Dude, I was just thinking this last night...I felt like I had a bit of a fever, but I was thinking that Test Flu hits for the first few days after the first shot...I thought I was in the clear...I really hope this is all it is as it kind of feels like this is what it is...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    you could be dehydrated mate,how much water are you drinkin??
    get yourself a blood pressure moniter i have!
    booz, I wondered if this was the case as well. I am now drinking 3 litres a day, plus the water in my shakes and from the water fountain while I train. How much is enough? I am having to hit the washroom every couple of hours to piss.

  16. #16
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    this happened to me on my first one also...
    The feeling passed? Or you just felt it through the whole cycle? I am hoping it is a little test flu. I am using QV Teston 200 right now....

  17. #17
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    felt it at first, then was gone close to the end of the cycle.. BTW, Im currently drinking 5-6 litres H2o ed...

  18. #18
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    felt it at first, then was gone close to the end of the cycle.. BTW, Im currently drinking 5-6 litres H2o ed...
    Then it is time to up the ante...I will bump my H2O up to 5 litres starting today...I am at 2 L so far and I have been up for 6 hours.

  19. #19
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    Im taking a bit more than you, and have the same kind of symptoms even at 3 weeks .. i have my water intake in check and i also added celery seed supplements and they have seemed to help. Sounds like your blood pressure is up.. i take the hawthorn and celery seed at least 3 times a day and all is good now...... good luck

  20. #20
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perrypup
    Im taking a bit more than you, and have the same kind of symptoms even at 3 weeks .. i have my water intake in check and i also added celery seed supplements and they have seemed to help. Sounds like your blood pressure is up.. i take the hawthorn and celery seed at least 3 times a day and all is good now...... good luck
    How much of the hawthorne berry do you take per day or per dose? I am doing 200mg per day right now; 100mg in the morning and 100mg in the evening...

  21. #21
    ludakris9 is offline Associate Member
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    I have always heard sex is the best to get rid of head aches! Better get busy bro!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ludakris9
    I have always heard sex is the best to get rid of head aches! Better get busy bro!!
    I am on it...ludakris9 orders honey...

  23. #23
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    BigJames im at work and dont have the bottle here but its says to take 3 to 5 times a day on mine .. i will look when get home and jump on here and post for you...And ludakris9 having sex raises my blood pressure but i dint care the 5 time this weekend =)

  24. #24
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perrypup
    BigJames im at work and dont have the bottle here but its says to take 3 to 5 times a day on mine .. i will look when get home and jump on here and post for you...And ludakris9 having sex raises my blood pressure but i dint care the 5 time this weekend =)
    I would appreciate the feedback...I am at work too...all I can remember is that the bottle says 50mg per cap and to take it with food.

    This site is dangerous if you are at work...I have "wasted" entire 8 hour days on this forum...

  25. #25
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    LMAO i know what you mean, but i dont feel that the days are wasted just used for a BIGGER purpose .. hehehe

  26. #26
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    Sorry Lag made me do it .....
    Last edited by Perrypup; 02-20-2006 at 03:51 PM. Reason: lag

  27. #27
    TAlexa is offline Associate Member
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    I think its your blood pressure bro, get it moniterd,or buy a device to chek it yourself, has it can lead to dangerous things happening.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TAlexa
    I think its your blood pressure bro, get it moniterd,or buy a device to chek it yourself, has it can lead to dangerous things happening.
    That sucks...I was hoping it was just some lingering Test flu...I will be getting it checked in the next 2 hours...

  29. #29
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    Most drug stores sell BP monitors 30 to 50 dollars...Mine still runs up and down a little but the headaches are gone and i stay at stage 1 or lower ----

  30. #30
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Im at work too....
    gotta love the net!! lol

  31. #31
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    P.S. if the cuff that comes with the unit is small , as in bearly fits on arm, it will give false readings (show higher BP) so do like i did and buy a large cuff =)

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perrypup
    P.S. if the cuff that comes with the unit is small , as in bearly fits on arm, it will give false readings (show higher BP) so do like i did and buy a large cuff =)
    Yeah, I heard about that before...what is "stage 1"...I am not familiar with the term...

  33. #33
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 06:22 PM.

  34. #34
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead947
    What about a daily low-dose asprin? I bought some just the other day. I think it's like 81mg. I've been taking that, fish oil, and garlic ED. Might go ahead and pick up some Hawthorne Berry Extract tomorrow.
    I picked up some aspirin as well...but I have been taking 325mg because I was trying to make an impact on my situation. I will start cutting those in half after tonight...

  35. #35
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 06:22 PM.

  36. #36
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Ok bros...I just got nack from the doc and I have my BP results....drum rollllllllllllllllll........130/80. Not to shabby. Especially considering that I had 145/85 at my last check in June 2005. I am not sure if this is the hawthorne berry talking or a result of extra water i have been drinking. I am going to monitor this and see what happens. I will stick with the hawthorne berry for now and I will likely grab some adult buffered aspirin as well (81mg strength). I am crossing my fingers that this is just some lingering test flu...time will tell. For now at least, I am looking Ok. I will keep you guys posted...

  37. #37
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    Good Deal BigJames --- Ok the hawthorn berry i take is 565 mg and i take 3 times a day so hope this help -- sorry took so long to respond forgot to post before going to gym..

  38. #38
    Knight1811 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    Ok bros...I just got nack from the doc and I have my BP results....drum rollllllllllllllllll........130/80. Not to shabby. Especially considering that I had 145/85 at my last check in June 2005. I am not sure if this is the hawthorne berry talking or a result of extra water i have been drinking. I am going to monitor this and see what happens. I will stick with the hawthorne berry for now and I will likely grab some adult buffered aspirin as well (81mg strength). I am crossing my fingers that this is just some lingering test flu...time will tell. For now at least, I am looking Ok. I will keep you guys posted...
    What I will suggest takes a bit more work but it might prove useful: Get a full CBC done. It will show you your hemoglobin and RB count. I'm willing to bet it jumped prior to your test usage. I think the increase in blood has something to do with your headaches.

    Also, aspirin and other pain killers might help with pain, however this will "mask" the true underlying issue. Might not be good if there is something really wrong going on.

    Finally, I recall reading something about some first time users getting headaches and such...i recall something about it being dose dependent. You might want to reduce the dose for a few weeks and see what happens. Just my 2 cents.

  39. #39
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 06:21 PM.

  40. #40
    Knight1811 is offline Associate Member
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    [QUOTE=Copperhead947][QUOTE=Knight1811]Also, aspirin and other pain killers might help with pain, however this will "mask" the true underlying issue. Might not be good if there is something really wrong going on.

    Low dose asprin isn't taken as a pain reliever. It's taken as a blood thinner, thus reducing BP.
    False. Aspirin is NOT for lowering BP. It is for preventing blood clots due to anitcoagulant effect. Doctors recommend other drugs to lower BP and then aspirin in addition to the BP lowering drug. Don't take my word for it, read it yourself:

    "While aspirin has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as recurrent heart attacks in people at risk, it is NOT a treatment for high blood pressure."


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