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Thread: Clen for more than 2 weeks?

  1. #1

    Clen for more than 2 weeks?

    Can you take clen for more than 2 weeks? I've read that it becomes less effective after 2 weeks because it deregulates the receptor, but at the same time, I've also read that if it is taken for longer than 2 weeks it becomes more effective... what do you guys think? and Please don't put some long article on here about the horses with clen and exercise vs. horses with clen and without exercise, because i've already read it. thanks.

  2. #2
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    May 2004

  3. #3
    very funny, I've already read this and all the other profiles on clen. I'm looking for people who have used clen for more than 2 weeks and what people thing... not what articles I've already read about horses. If you're not going to be helpful, please don't reply. thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    oh...snap... here it comes..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    I'll pick up where Nark left off and give ya a bit more......

    ...clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-adrenoreceptors (not just Beta-2’s but all of them), using an anti-histamine will have a direct effect on reducing beta-receptor stimulation (16), and thus upregulating your beta-receptors.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    I'll pick up where Nark left off and give ya a bit more......

    ...clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-adrenoreceptors (not just Beta-2’s but all of them), using an anti-histamine will have a direct effect on reducing beta-receptor stimulation (16), and thus upregulating your beta-receptors.
    Dammit.. I lost half my post...i tried to edit it.. but i'm having server issues

    Nice reply by the way Igifuno


    Ergo, Benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors (i.e. Upgrades them) by inhibiting phospholipase A2, which is the enzyme that breaks down methylated phospholipids, and this action in turn keeps the phospholipid membrane stable, and thus keeps the receptors functioning properly. (7). This will allow you to use clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects.
    In bold above

    Quote Originally Posted by grizzly_adams
    If you're not going to be helpful, please don't reply. thanks.
    By that same extension... if you're not gonna bother to read thoroughly... and you're gonna be a silly in response to a genuine reply... you should consider not posting.. period


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia
    lol, owned

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    ok.. Ill say sumin.. I have tried clen continously (with benadryl) and without benadryl 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.. I liked the latter better.. if fat loss is in mind then definetly the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off was better. I know somoe ppl who agree with me and some who dont.. Im just stating what I feel. On my next PCT I will be doing it for 8 weeks continously though..

  9. #9
    Thanks Igifuno and stupidhippo. Stupidhippo, please let me know how your 8 weeks of pct go with the clen for that length of time, ok. I'm wanting to run the clen with my pct as well. also, narkissos, if you can't read, then please don't write on here, because I specifically said "not what articles I've already read about horses" and if you'll read the article then you'll see that it's talking about the affects of clenbuterol used on horses for long periods of time at large doses. If you can't read it, have someone read it to you. and have a great day...

  10. #10
    Damn............... You are a mean man.

  11. #11
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by grizzly_adams
    Can you take clen for more than 2 weeks? I've read that it becomes less effective after 2 weeks because it deregulates the receptor, but at the same time, I've also read that if it is taken for longer than 2 weeks it becomes more effective... what do you guys think? and Please don't put some long article on here about the horses with clen and exercise vs. horses with clen and without exercise, because i've already read it. thanks.

    it really depends on what you are trying to acomplish with the clen. if you are simply trying to cut, as in not during pct, its probably most effective if you run it for two weeks on, two weeks off. but imo if you are taking it during pct, its best to run it for at least 2 months, the longer the better.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Nark didn't mean that as a flame bro

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    I'll pick up where Nark left off and give ya a bit more......

    ...clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-adrenoreceptors (not just Beta-2’s but all of them), using an anti-histamine will have a direct effect on reducing beta-receptor stimulation (16), and thus upregulating your beta-receptors.

    no sh_t? so if you run benadryl while on clen, it will increase the effectiveness of clen?

  14. #14
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by grizzly_adams
    Thanks Igifuno and stupidhippo. Stupidhippo, please let me know how your 8 weeks of pct go with the clen for that length of time, ok. I'm wanting to run the clen with my pct as well. also, narkissos, if you can't read, then please don't write on here, because I specifically said "not what articles I've already read about horses" and if you'll read the article then you'll see that it's talking about the affects of clenbuterol used on horses for long periods of time at large doses. If you can't read it, have someone read it to you. and have a great day...

    mouthing off to a mod is not a good idea bro. chill out

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    btw, ive ran clen for days (as in 10+ weeks) after each of my cycles. id have to say i prefer it like this cause you get used to it after awhile. during the first few weeks when im on it, i tweak the fu_k out and shake like a crackhead.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    btw nark, that thread is great, its damn near everything you could possibly want to know about clen and how it affects your body... definately a good read

  17. #17

    Ya, I guess that was a little out of line

    Sorry Narkissos,
    I'm just a little edgy. I've read that article several times and the profiles on clen too, even some medical reports on it. I just want to know what people on here think, how they've used it in the past, and what their results were. If you've used it, i'd like to know what your opinion on it is. good? bad? not worth the side? what? again, sorry.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2005
    I had great results with clen while shedding fat .. for this I found the best method to be 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.. For PCT I will do the continous more longer thing (with benadryl) because to me it seems u can work out harder and also keep gains better while on clen. some other ppl can chyme in also but personally I will never do PCT again without clen.. The only other purpose for clen for me is shedding fat (eventhough I do think a cutter for that might be better, rather than off cycle cutting with clen..)

  19. #19
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by grizzly_adams
    Sorry Narkissos,
    I'm just a little edgy. I've read that article several times and the profiles on clen too, even some medical reports on it. I just want to know what people on here think, how they've used it in the past, and what their results were. If you've used it, i'd like to know what your opinion on it is. good? bad? not worth the side? what? again, sorry.

    since you are running it during pct, then its ideal to take it for at least 2 months... preferably through the time when you are taking clomid. imo its best to run it for longer periods of time cause you wont have to deal with such extreme buzzes from it. sh_t can be very intense

  20. #20
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    I had great results with clen while shedding fat .. for this I found the best method to be 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.. For PCT I will do the continous more longer thing (with benadryl) because to me it seems u can work out harder and also keep gains better while on clen. some other ppl can chyme in also but personally I will never do PCT again without clen.. The only other purpose for clen for me is shedding fat (eventhough I do think a cutter for that might be better, rather than off cycle cutting with clen..)

    thats for sure bro. running clen during pct is definately the way to go. all that cotisol that builds up over a cycle is blocked out, and you keep pretty much all of your gains if you continue to lift hard and eat right. ive even heard that if you run clen for longer periods of time, it starts to have an anabolic effect, and helps you gain more mass... good sh_t. i will always run clen during pct

  21. #21
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by grizzly_adams
    Sorry Narkissos,
    I'm just a little edgy. I've read that article several times and the profiles on clen too, even some medical reports on it. I just want to know what people on here think, how they've used it in the past, and what their results were. If you've used it, i'd like to know what your opinion on it is. good? bad? not worth the side? what? again, sorry.
    I've run it for extended periods.. and i'm no fan of clen.. at all.

    Makes me feel like shit.

    I like t3 better.

    Bump for more opinions.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I've run it for extended periods.. and i'm no fan of clen.. at all.

    Makes me feel like shit.

    I like t3 better.

    Bump for more opinions.

    I`m not a huge fan of clen either,what choices do we truly have?,DNP is great but also makes you feel like shit, relastically t3 has to be done in a cycle,HGH is great I must say,never done an ECA stack tho


  23. #23
    lol tren your such a post whore..

    oh yea back to the subject, ive done both continously and 2 on 2 off
    honestly i liked running it str8 for 8 weeks with some benadryl

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