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Thread: Why do I feel so horrible? and CYCLE

  1. #1

    Why do I feel so horrible? and CYCLE

    I have been taking 500 mg of test per week (250/mg cypionate, 250/mg Enanthate) for 2 weeks now. For some reason my injection site is extremely sore and my body feels somewhat like I have the flu. Does anyone have any idea if this is related? Also does anyone have any cycle suggestions for 10 cc test 500, About 40 or so Winstrol tablets, 20 ML of Clenbuterol (200 mcg), and 20 ml Clomid. All your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks bros

  2. #2
    You are experiencing what is called test flu, your body's reaction to the endegonous compound in your system, it will go away, perfectly normal.

  3. #3
    I would keep an eye on the injection site, if it gets any worse, it could be infection, just so you know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sounds like Test Flu..

    as for your cycle.. your saying you only have 100cc of test left?

  5. #5

    injection site

    It isnt the same injection site, i am switching them up, i think it could be that it is test 500 and is just so thick what do you think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Where are you shooting, and how often

  7. #7


    i have 10 mg total and i have used 3

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    If your new to this, you might be shooting wrong.. I had a friend that started.. and was literally shooting his glute towards the floor.. Might wanna do some research on how and where to shoot..

  9. #9
    alternating ass injections once a week 1 ml per week... also in the previous post i correct myself when i said mg i meant ml

  10. #10
    I know where to shoot i just think it could be that it is so thick what do u think?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jring33457
    i have 10 mg total and i have used 3
    So you have enough Test for 5wks? That's not going to be enough to notice much. I'd get atleast 10more mL.

    You didn't quite plan this out did you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    If your shooting 1cc a week.. and leaves you enuff gear for a 10 week cycle.. which your already in week 3 of.. You dont have enuff PCT it sounds like.. and 250mg of Test E a week might not bring much results.. IMO

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    As far as the winny you could use that as a starter or at the end of your cycle.. Id take 1 Pill =40mg ed Weeks 1-5 or Weeks 10-15 But you still dont have enuff test

  14. #14
    No i have 7 weeks left, and yes i did plan it out

    Test 500 mg weeks 1-10
    Winstrol tablets weeks 4-10
    Clenbuterol 20 mcg 5 times a day
    clomid 20 ml pct

  15. #15
    See i thought that 10 ml would be enough since it is test eth 250 mg and test cyp 250 mg mixed together in one bottle. I thought that since it is 500 mg it would be more potent and give me some results (originally i was going to get 20 ml of test)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Well your probably going thru Test Flu.. It will pass

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    Quote Originally Posted by jring33457
    See i thought that 10 ml would be enough since it is test eth 250 mg and test cyp 250 mg mixed together in one bottle. I thought that since it is 500 mg it would be more potent and give me some results (originally i was going to get 20 ml of test)
    U got it wrong. You still only have 250mg/ml there bro. To get 500, you need 2ml/cc.

    Test flu goes away, rest and drink lots of water.

  18. #18
    So what is the difference between t250 and t500 then?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by jring33457
    So what is the difference between t250 and t500 then?
    it could be home brewed, who knows. 500mg/ml with those esters combined can work...but hurts like hell and probably results in more initial pain/fever

  20. #20
    Oh let me tell you all about the pain... It's seriouslly hard to walk for 2 days but I stick it out and by about day 4 pain is still there but I can tell it is subsiding. Also, I feel so terrible during this I can barely move and it is seriouslly affecting my workouts. Do you have any suggestions?

  21. #21
    I'd split it in half and shoot it two different places. 500mg/mL is ruthless. Maybe even cut it with B12.

  22. #22
    i was thinking of doing 2 inje. a week but i just cant decide, its like once the pain goes away the next day is an injection date. Horrible news

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    mix it with oil, that's what I did on my first cycle with 600mg Test E a week (two injections monday and thurs 300mg/ml)
    the oil helps like none other.

    doing it again with my prop / ten cycle

  24. #24
    Awesome Thanks For The Help Bros

  25. #25
    Awesome Thanks For The Help Bros

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Rotate sites

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