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Thread: truth on acne

  1. #1
    IGF-1's Avatar
    IGF-1 is offline Associate Member
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    truth on acne

    i seen different post on steroid acne some say u get while on steroids and others when urcoming off, due to ur body regulating its own testosterone while comming off steroids. Whats da whole deal,i seem to get acne towards my last shot off roids on a 2 to 3 month cycle,.i thought maybe the androgens were really begining to work and i was already stopping my cycle. so question is about when and why is acne kicking in.

  2. #2
    skiboy is offline Associate Member
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    acne kicks in when test. levels alter, say when your gear starts to kick in, it changes it also changes when you get off, its kinda like the same thing that happens in puberty, the raised test. levels cause acne.\

  3. #3
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Well, I get it from a few days after I start my cycle all the way through the end. Not real nasty--just a bunch of small pimples on arms, back, some of chest and a little on the neck.

    Sunbathing, swimming in a chlorinated pool and regular wipe-downs with 20% isopropyl alcohol help keep it in check.

  4. #4
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    What are the most common steroids to cause acne?

  5. #5
    Japan man is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Iwan2bsolid2
    What are the most common steroids to cause acne?
    basically anything that converts to estrogen..its mostly the fluctuation of the est/test that causes acne, just like during puberty like one said.

    although this is not always the case; ive witness bros break out on eq/winny and not break out on test. Same with fina some people get severe acne on fina. for me its always test i am very sensitive to test induced acne. i will never run another test cycle. everybodied diff. i guess you have to try it to see.

  6. #6
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah, see I rarely got acne from Test/EQ, and have heard a bad rap about winny giving bad acne. I want to try it, but what's the point in bieng ripped to shreds looking all good, yet have zits all over the place...not worth it to me.

    does DHT have anything to do with acne?

  7. #7
    Morg is offline Junior Member
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    east side
    i can use 1g of test for 15 weeks and not get a mark,but throw some fina into the mix and BAM instant fuckin breakout,mostly on the shoulders and back,sucks tho,oh well only 3 more weeks of fina anyway.

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