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Thread: sustenon 250 cycle first time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    sustenon 250 cycle first time

    hey. i have came across 5/250mg sust 250 . real stuff.. i did the reasearch it is real. i could get 5 more but these sust are very pricy. just wondering if 5 250 mg sust's willl be sufficient for a 5'8 165 dedicated weightlifter. have been lifting for 5 years off and on mostly on. decent strength for my size i guess. weighd 125 lbs in 1996 now 165. i want to put on 15 lbs of weight doesn't matter if it is a muscle fat combo. i have decent muscle size for my weight 15 inch arms. 31 inch waist . also need info on if i need to to take antiestrogens during cycle or if this cycle is too light for that. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I dont think you have enough, even as a rookie. I would say at least 400-500mg a week would be good, and you'll see good results. Get your hands on an Oral if you can. .....Peace Man

  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    well bro not enough for sure, you would need miminum of 500mg per week in my opinion and also yes you wuld need some anti e's also some clomid for post cycle sust works better stacked with other juice and 15 well you would be luucky to keep that from a full blown cycle do some more research before you juice


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Definately not enough:

    even for a short cycle ( 8weeks ) you need minumium of 2 or 500mg week.

    Be careful with 250's... due to the propinate....those mothers hurt a day or so after injecting.

    Make sure you know when, where & how much.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you definatley need more. if this is your first cycle, you should do it right, since your receptors will be very fresh. i had the best results by tapering up and then tapering down over a 12 week time period. over this time period, you should have no trouble gaining 15 or 20 lbs. you will definately need some anti-estrogens, and some clomids. you may want to add some clenbuterol at the end, since it's a good anti-catabolic. sus shouldn't be that pricey, no more than $15 an amp. good luck with your cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    oh yeah, one more thing.......mrdb isn't joking. those shots will hurt like a bitch a fews after you inject, especially when you get up to 750mg per wk. do cardio to get some blood flowing and get that pocket of oil to break up.

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