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Thread: water retention or bitch tits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    water retention or bitch tits?

    by week 7 in my first cycle, i started getting sensitive nipples and they started to sag a bit. this is strange because i always had a fatless well built chest. so i started taking nolvadex just in case but had to wait 3 weeks to get it.
    now i have pretty saggy chest except after a workout. ive been told its probably water retention because my friend had the same thing and during post cycle it goes away.

    waterweight or bitchtits. oh, and im running 300 of tes. ananthate btw.

    also, running winny, will i have to take more nolva to counter, i heard winny doesnt cause gyno.

  2. #2
    If they are very sensitive, it could be the onset of gyno. I would just keep taking nolvadex 10-20mg/day till it gets better. At that doseage of test, I would find it hard to believe that you would be getting gyno, but some are more suseptible than others. Just keep an eye on it and take all precautionary methods (Nolva) to keep it from coming in.

    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    by week 7 in my first cycle, i started getting sensitive nipples and they started to sag a bit. this is strange because i always had a fatless well built chest. so i started taking nolvadex just in case but had to wait 3 weeks to get it.
    now i have pretty saggy chest except after a workout. ive been told its probably water retention because my friend had the same thing and during post cycle it goes away.

    waterweight or bitchtits. oh, and im running 300 of tes. ananthate btw.

    also, running winny, will i have to take more nolva to counter, i heard winny doesnt cause gyno.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    they arent itchy, as in some cases i heard of, but i do find them much more sensitive and flabby when not flexed.

    how quickly can gyno start? i thought nothing would show up until 2nd cycle or 10 weeks into 1st one.

    thankx for info velvetlion

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