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  1. #1
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    Comments and critique on 4th cycle please...

    A little background....

    38 years old, 5-8, 190 lbs, roughly 12-14% BF. Amatuer baseball player and former middleweight fighter. Started using gear just over a year ago for strength, power, and recovery to grind through a 60+ game season while working full time.

    Last January before my 1st cycle I was 163 pounds. I topped out at 197 this past January in the middle of a Dbol /Sust/Winny cycle. (but too fat - waist was inching toward 35.)

    For the summer, I am planning a lean mass cycle that will run the length of the summer. Goal will be to cut BF down to about 10% and topping out between 195-200 lbs.

    I am thinking something like this:

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mg/wk (Iranian test)
    Week 1-4 Dbol 25mg/day(naps)
    Week 1-12 EQ 500mg/wk (BD and Swish)
    Week 5-9 Tri-tren 250mg/wk (BD)
    Week 6-10 Proviron 25mg/day (BD)
    Week 12-15 Tbol 40mg/day (BD)

    My previous two test cycles were 350mg/wk of Test E for 12 weeks and 400mg of sust for 8 weeks, so 500mg of test will be the most I have ever used. (I ama beleiver in moderate gear usage.)

    PCT will be my usual:

    Week 16-20 Nolva 40mg day 1st 2 weeks, 20mg last 2 weeks
    Week 16-18 Clomid 50mg/day
    Week 16-20 Trib, ZMA, and this stuff called "Men's virility power." (I may try Tongkat Ali)

    Considering HCG given the length of the cycle and the use of Tren in the middle...


    Last edited by STB; 02-23-2006 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by STB
    I am thinking something like this:

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mg/wk (Iranian test)
    Week 1-4 Dbol 25mg/day(naps)
    Week 1-12 EQ 500mg/wk (BD and Swish)
    Week 5-9 Tri-tren 250mg/wk (BD)
    Week 6-10 Proviron 25mg/day (BD)
    Week 12-15 Tbol 40mg/day (BD)

    Not bad...the Tren dose is on the lite side,and you are running it too short a time frame.Run it week 1-10


  3. #3
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    I will be using the tren for the first time in this cycle, and given the possible sides and big-time shut down, I want to limit the time and the dosage the first time around, and run it in the middle of a longer test cycle. (Not to mention running EQ and Tren at the same time, possible progestin issue - So I will limit it to 5 weeks.)

    If I don't get the vicious tren sides, the next cycle I know I will be good to go longer and at a higher dose.


  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by STB
    I will be using the tren for the first time in this cycle, and given the possible sides and big-time shut down, I want to limit the time and the dosage the first time around, and run it in the middle of a longer test cycle. (Not to mention running EQ and Tren at the same time, possible progestin issue - So I will limit it to 5 weeks.)

    If I don't get the vicious tren sides, the next cycle I know I will be good to go longer and at a higher dose.

    i would still run it longer kuz ur not going to get anything out of it.. as for shut down test does that so no worries

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    toys for twats truck
    agreed. 4 weeks on tren isnt going to do anything for you. run for at least 6

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I'd leave out the Tren . 4 cycles isnt experienced enough IMHO. You could do well off stacking Test/EQ/Tbol.

    wk 1-6 Tbol 50mg/ED
    wk 1-14 Test Enan 500mg/wk
    wk 1-13 EQ 400mg/wk

    Leave out the Tren/Dbol for future cycles. PCT begins 14 days after last Test Enan shot and 21 days after last EQ shot.

  7. #7
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    I am thinking your way as well Swifto - but tren has been given such a big rep, I though i would give it a try...and it would be for 5 weeks in my proposed cycle, not 4 - and that is 5 weeks of shots, so it would be in the body for 7 weeks. I have seen many proposed cycles of 6 weeks of tren. this point I am leaning more toward Dbol /Test E/EQ/Tbol.

    I always like to start with Dbol for the push it gives you, and the water retention problem will be long gone come week 8 or so.

    Thanks for the ideas.

    Do you find any difference between 500mg EQ and 400mg? Any reason that the test is run higher than EQ?


    Last edited by STB; 02-24-2006 at 03:09 PM.

  8. #8
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Quote Originally Posted by STB
    I am thinking your way as well Swifto - but tren has been given such a big rep, I though i would give it a try...and it would be for 5 weeks in my proposed cycle, not 4 - and that is 5 weeks of shots, so it would be in the body for 7 weeks. I have seen many proposed cycles of 6 weeks of tren. this point I am leaning more toward Dbol /Test E/EQ/Tbol.

    I always like to start with Dbol for the push it gives you, and the water retention problem will be long gone come week 8 or so.

    Thanks for the ideas.

    Do you find any difference between 500mg EQ and 400mg? Any reason that the test is run higher than EQ?


    for me the diffences between 400 to 600mg of eq were very slight. If you have run it before at 400 then go for 500. I like your cycle without the tren.

    We have about the same cycle experience. I am attracted to tren as well, might try a low dose next year. It the bomb, but also higher sides.

  9. #9
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    for me the diffences between 400 to 600mg of eq were very slight. If you have run it before at 400 then go for 500. I like your cycle without the tren .

    We have about the same cycle experience. I am attracted to tren as well, might try a low dose next year. It the bomb, but also higher sides.
    I have not run EQ before - perhaps I will go with 400mg of EQ - why waste it if there is little difference between 400 and 600?

    Thanks bro,


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