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Thread: first timer

  1. #1

    first timer

    Ok here it goes and Im ready for the backlash from the you guys but hey thats what i want.. First timer here!!! I am new and have not established a good source for aas so i only got deca.. Is it even worth it to do alone or am i wasting my time.. Keep in mind i am not looking to gain lots of mass but just to get a good foundation to build on.. So will I see any results and if not what supplements or anything else can I use to exceed my results. I know test should also be ran but it is no where around.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    deca alone = floppy dick

  3. #3
    floppy dick??? that sux,, for how long and will it get me any results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ragacamps
    floppy dick??? that sux,, for how long and will it get me any results

    loss of libido, no sex drive, need viagra. you gettin the picture ??

  5. #5
    yeah completely. but how about results any and thanx for the respones

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Don't do it alone.

    Read, research, learn...


  7. #7
    i have no other choice man this place sux ass and i am not in any circle you know so its hard to get my whole wish list,,,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    you will get gain's yes. but would you keep them post cycle maybe, maybe not.

    is it really worth losing you libido over mate ???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ragacamps
    i have no other choice man this place sux ass and i am not in any circle you know so its hard to get my whole wish list,,,

    please explain ????

    why because we wont provide you with a source ???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You'll get results, but much of it will be water weight. which will be lost following the cessation of the Deca. Deca is a very suppressive androgen, it will shutdown your natural testosterone production, leading to complete testicular atrophy. If not run with a form of Testosterone, loss of labido may well be a side effect. Its sides are often harder to control than Testosteronsa slo.

  11. #11
    thanx for the info i guess ill hold on to it untill something else comes around...thanx again

  12. #12
    not this place i meant my hometown man

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ragacamps
    not this place i meant my hometown man

    sorry bro my bad

  14. #14
    its cool post katrina new orleans is a shithole

  15. #15
    i have a friend at work who swears by dbol but he hasnt seen or cycled for many years if at all possible would that be a good base to run with decca and would libido still be a problem

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ragacamps
    i have a friend at work who swears by dbol but he hasnt seen or cycled for many years if at all possible would that be a good base to run with decca and would libido still be a problem
    Still be a major problem.

    Dbol isnt used as a 'cycle' itself, more of a kickstarter. Its gains in mass/strnegth are good but a lot is water retention. The majority of the 'gains' will be lost after the Dbol is stopped.

    You need to do a lot more research before embarking on any AS/ProHormone cycle. AS isnt to be played around with. It can cause short/long term health problems if not done correctly.

    You need to keep a form of Testosterone as the base of the majority of all cycles. Look into Test Cypionate and Test Enanthate.

  17. #17
    thanks man ill wait till i hear about it around..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    if youre trying to build a solid foundation, you do not want to use steroids. You want to use steroids after you have built your solid foundation. You wouldnt build a house without a foundation, would you? Work on improving your diet and training and then you have that in place and have added some more muscle, then look into steroids. By then you will have more knowledge about them and possibly even a good source

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Longhorn said it all. Steroids are not the quick fix. I believe they should be used as an adjuct to an already built body. I am in Shreveport and I hope all is well in the NO. I really feel for you guys.Good Luck bro, hang out and read, read, read. Peace

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