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Thread: dbol your opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    dbol your opinion

    I ran 60 mg a day for 2 weeks, and by 2 weeks my str was up some, no water retention. and my kidneys hurt.

    I ran quality hex 10mg from a top can company, @ 30 and 40 mg a day also b4 this 7 months ago. and i got some water ret and str..

    would anyone say i used some fake dbols!? =) im kinda leanin towards this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Could have been under dosed, or could have been winny, halo......... etc

    Do you have apicture of them?

  3. #3
    dbol alone is not the best cycle, but I would say after 2 weeks you could judge best if they were fakes. Espescially if you have done a cycle like this in the past. Everyone reacts different, but if I did 2 weeks of dbol, and didnt feel pumped up, I would say fake... just my 2 cents

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Thats wierd with my last cycle i ran Dbol blue hearts 10mg at 80mg ed for 4 wks great keepable gains & ofcourse strength was up but i had no sides with BP especially because i was checking my BP every 3 days but ofcourse my liver values increaed but came back to nomral after i stoped but i had no pain in kidneys it was high dosage with very minimum sides thank god.

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ahh i see i see Thanks for the info,I believe they were under dosed. cuz i ran 30 mg a day of s***s pressed tabs, and i got results, These Are Caps I might add. I think it was just a waste of money. Thanks guys
    heres the dbols. what ya thinks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Last edited by GetHugeDieTrying; 02-24-2006 at 07:31 AM. Reason: accident double post

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